Hi just passed

Just passed my class 2 last week and well made up. Coming from a factory job though I don’t have any experience at all. I’m going to join an agency (driver hire) when I get my licence back (waiting on the delayed post) and I’m going to send off for digital tach card. I’m not doing anything at the moment though so I would love to just sit and work next to a class 2 driver for a week for free in merseyside area just to learn the ropes in terms of what the job involves like route planning and securing the load etc. Please pm me if anyone knows if this is possible thanks.

Well done mate :smiley: :smiley:

very well done :laughing: :smiley:

Congratulations m8 good luck with it :smiley: . The agency i`ve just signed on with are letting me go out for a day with one of their drivers, could be an option for you.

I bet you feel supercalifragilisticexpealidocious :smiley: Nice one

hi there only just passed myself 08/10
signed for 3 agencys to get as much work as pos and it works but every job ive been on list no passengers in their rules so i dont think it would be possible. better way to learn is by doing i think. nothing like being thrown in at the deep end. when your on your own dont be afraid to ask everyone ive asked has been more than helpful.

good luck

Well done that man :laughing:

I’m off to the liverpool driver hire myself tomoro morning…

took 2 weeks including postal strike delays to get my licence back…

WELL DONE :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Well done mate :smiley: