Hi everyone, I am a new guy to this website so hope Im doing it right. Im 19 and have just passed my LGV theory, Ive always wanted to be a driver ever since I can remeber!! My dads a driver as well as my four uncles and my grandad was too, I left school and went straight into the transport industry working for a haulage company, they went bust so went somewhere else in the traffic office, but they got rid off all agency so again out of work, in retail at the mo which I cant stand just want to get behind the wheel driving lorries, best part of the retail job is talking to drivers whilst they’re unloading talking about trucks etc. This driver CPC is an absolute Godsend to me as its lowered the age limit in which you drive bigger than 7.5T not having to wait till’ Im 21!! which is fantastic, Ive also passed my CPC module 2. I cant wait to pass my Cat C licence and hopefully get driving although Ive read loads of articals that age isnt on my side regarding insurance, I also cant wait to pass my C+E and drive big rigs. Sorry to rabbit on just thought Id say hello, cant wait to forfill my dream and ambition of becoming a HGV driver
Andy from Warwickshire