HGV SatNav - use them carefully

Yesterday my HGV SatNav ‘invited’ me to take a particular route.

I am pleased to say, I didn’t try to go where it suggested.

My truck was 14’3" - it would have been considerably less at the other side. :slight_smile:


Out of curiosity what Sat Nav was it…TomTom, Snooper…?

Worrying, very worrying.

What make is it?

Mine tried a bridle path for horses.

Worrying, very worrying.

What make is it?

I am not going to tell you that - I may want to sell it on here :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It is a NaviPro - but more to the point, I don’t know what maps it has on it. There are a lot more SatNav makes than there are maps so lots of others could be the same.

Trust none of the buggers, I say (well, I do now).


Worrying, very worrying.

What make is it?

I am not going to tell you that - I may want to sell it on here :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It is a NaviPro - but more to the point, I don’t know what maps it has on it. There are a lot more SatNav makes than there are maps so lots of others could be the same.

Trust none of the buggers, I say (well, I do now).

That’s heat advice. I use my say nav coupled with a good truckers atlas.

As an aside you must of gone with the sat nav to take the photo :slight_smile:

Tipper Tom:


Worrying, very worrying.

What make is it?

I am not going to tell you that - I may want to sell it on here :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

It is a NaviPro - but more to the point, I don’t know what maps it has on it. There are a lot more SatNav makes than there are maps so lots of others could be the same.

Trust none of the buggers, I say (well, I do now).

That’s heat advice. I use my say nav coupled with a good truckers atlas.

As an aside you must of gone with the sat nav to take the photo :slight_smile:

Use my sat nav with caution use it as a guide if in doubt check the route against my map

This is after putting a 15ft combination under a 14ft bridge yep it did go under just with some help fro the police it is a well know problem as the other way in is through a 7.5t weight limit which is the way I came out

Use an up to date map, lot more reliable. Also engage common sense when route planning.

Yesterday my HGV SatNav ‘invited’ me to take a particular route.

I am pleased to say, I didn’t try to go where it suggested.

My truck was 14’3" - it would have been considerably less at the other side. :slight_smile:


Are you 100% about the height of your truck??

Think satnavs are only decent to tell you a rough eta… well thats what mines is for mostly…

Garmin 560lt was terrible for it around OX1 especially, and the A-Z doesn’t show which are bus only routes :imp:

Got a tom tom now

That doesn’t look 14ft 3 to me? I’d be guessing around 13 6 or there abouts, maybe even lower?

That doesn’t look 14ft 3 to me? I’d be guessing around 13 6 or there abouts, maybe even lower?

The sign in the cab says 14’3" - that’s good enough for me. Whatever, I think we can agree it is over 10’6". :slight_smile:

Snooper s7000 won’t take you through that prob cost you 250.00 secondhand though


That doesn’t look 14ft 3 to me? I’d be guessing around 13 6 or there abouts, maybe even lower?

The sign in the cab says 14’3" - that’s good enough for me. Whatever, I think we can agree it is over 10’6". :slight_smile:

Only slightly, like three feet ever made a difference… :wink:

Hi alan i dont know if you know this or not But buy a tomtom under 50 pounds and buy 4gb sd card and install your own truck satnav, i installed my own truck yesterday and given to truck drivers to test it. And its brilliant i dont know if we are allowed to give any other sites or not But type Navitotal in google and first website and go there and all the tutorial is there. Good luck