HGV Sat Nav

Hi folks.
Just looking a bit of advice on a hgv sat nav. Will be used for mainly uk work maybe some Ireland. Been looking online and reading on forums and can’t seem to find what I want to know. I’m not looking a sat nav that had built in free view and cameras etc. just looking suggestions for a decent hgv sat nav, with up to date maps and a price that’s not to harsh on the bank balance. Any suggestions welcomes.
Thanks in advance :sunglasses:

Subject being currently being debated already see below attach threads



Then theres this
satnavdebate.co.uk/best-sell … d-kingdom/

End of day how much money you want to burn on this product, as there are cheap ones from £40… then you got

TomTom of say £289
Garmins of £229…
Snoopers are £349 upwards