I’m a doctor with a background in general practice and occupational health and have been allowed to join TruckNet Do you find it difficult to organise your regular medicals? Do you think they are expensive? I am hoping I can help.
Mine was £70 and a total joke.
mine was £96 and a joke as well
My last HGV medical was £15
But sadly the doctor has retired now
I use an organisation called ‘Doc’s on Wheels’. They’re fairly reasonable, less than half what my GP would charge, but I have to traipse to north of Peterborough.
Easy to find medicals in a city or large town for between £50 and £60 at reasonably convenient times
Many LGV training providers do bulk medicals on a regular basis
I go to my own Dr pay approx £120
Yes I know I could do it cheaper but due to my medical condition it is safer for me at least I think so
Mine was £70 and a total joke.
Tell me what made you laugh!!
I’m a doctor with a background in general practice and occupational health and have been allowed to join TruckNet Do you find it difficult to organise your regular medicals? Do you think they are expensive? I am hoping I can help.
Just make sure you add a “drink” on the bill for those who’s firm pays.
Mine was £70 and a total joke.Tell me what made you laugh!!
the doctor! probably sat down, wrote him a pass and said that’s my golf paid for a swift round!
they’ll get caught eventually!
I was asked am I diabetic? got weighed and signed for the application. £70 …BOSH!
Mine was done by a bloke similar to Dr Nick off the Simpsons.
£60 and it lasted all of 5 minutes, He even asked me how to fill out the form. I should have charged him.
There’s a notice in our office that states HGV medicals in Central Milton Keynes £40. Not used it yet as I used to get mine paid for but I will be using it in a couple of years.
My GP’s wanted about £100 just to sign the bit of paper & they’ve got all my history. Don’t know how you people justify the cost, when we can get it done by occupational health companies for half the price !
So… let’s hear it. A statement of use to us all, like “£15 medicals at a surgery near you”
I am strongly suspicious of anyone coming on here touting their tender on any market.
The replies so far are as bad as a bunch of people saying "I’ll work for as low as £7.50ph - me! - I’ll go down to minimum wage! - Please!
" Been allowed to join trucknet " - my arse! The automated sign-up system didn’t prevent you that’s all. I view this thread with the same derision as one from an “Agency Consultant asking how low we’ll go”… or anyone else touting for business…
Hello everyone!? - Wakey Wakey!
When I turned 45 I had mine with my GP at £90. Had a bit of a chinwag with him about LGV drivers being hammered with low pay rates, the DCPC ■■■■■ & whether or not he could really justify £90 for a blood pressure test, an eye test & ticking a few boxes that took no longer than 1/2 of his precious hours.
He couldn’t. He stuttered & stammered his way through a response that he no doubt once rehearsed in case anyone actually pointed out that £90 is a bit steep in the general scheme of things.
So… let’s hear it. A statement of use to us all, like “£15 medicals at a surgery near you”
…I am strongly suspicious of anyone coming on here touting their tender on any market.
The replies so far are as bad as a bunch of people saying "I’ll work for as low as £7.50ph - me! - I’ll go down to minimum wage! - Please!
" Been allowed to join trucknet " - my arse! The automated sign-up system didn’t prevent you that’s all. I view this thread with the same derision as one from an “Agency Consultant asking how low we’ll go”… or anyone else touting for business…
Hello everyone!? - Wakey Wakey!
I hear what you’re saying & wish to point out that it’s a criminal offence (& considered to be a hideous one) to impersonate a medical Doctor. If the OP turns out to be yet another TNUK sock puppet troll or traffic generator, it could be made to go all the way by someone with the will.
This whole system of paying for medicals is a joke you want to work but must pay for the privilege and in my case can only get a medical on a Tuesday or Thursday so have to take time off and lose money yet Mr Malingerer can get an appointment at anytime for his dodgy back to be signed off on the sick for another 3 months and collect yet more DLA
This whole system of paying for medicals is a joke you want to work but must pay for the privilege and in my case can only get a medical on a Tuesday or Thursday so have to take time off and lose money yet Mr Malingerer can get an appointment at anytime for his dodgy back to be signed off on the sick for another 3 months and collect yet more DLA
Paying for your medical is just one thing on a long list that includes all those other things which some of us have to pay for.
It’s a joke & the joke is on us. We’re the bottom rung of the ladder & every rung above us is laughing at us.
My current employer refused to pay for my digi card renewal stating that it belongs to the driver, the driver is responsible for it & so the driver must pay. Then I asked them who pays for the paper discs that some vehicles on our fleet still use. It was pointing out that they need my digi card to comply with their obligations that had the renewal charge refunded, grudgingly.
The format for medicals is a bit of a farce, when I did my 1st the doctor asked my to stand, lift up left arm, then my right arm, then lift my right leg. By this time I’m stood there there like the young character in karate kid then he asks me to lift my left leg. To which I replied “if I do that doc I’ll fall on my ar$e”
Medicals should be done via the NHS so that everyone from any background gets the full version without being hampered by the range of fees touted for, what appears prima facie to be a subverse job.
A forces medical is quite thorough. - No complaints with regards to THEIR effectiveness. The HGV medical for most parts takes too LITTLE time, and costs way too much at any cost when one considers the lack of tests done.
I can’t help but wonder if the number of us who die at the wheel might be lowered by a more thorough medical that picks up things like the onset of Diabetes, Hypertension, and cardio vascular diseases. The public need to be protected and so do we from corner-cutting cost-cutting 10 minute “cough and sign here” “quickies”.