HGV Medical

Do you need to sort one out with your own doctor or can you go to any? If so does anyone know of one in the Scarborough area?


You can go anywhere. i think there’s a link to cheap medicals on here somewhere/

You can use any doctor for your HGV medical, personally I won’t go to my own doctor as they charge too much.

Trucknet-UK cheap medicals list

Thanks. Own doctor £88 in Halifax but got the link for docs on wheels and found one in Beverley for £60. As I’m stopping at Cayton Bay at the moment Beverley closer so booked in on Friday.

I found that sure, my own GP was charging more for medicals on request - but that charge was claimable as it was my own GP.

Walk-in places are off your own bat, and paid for off your own bat. If you start asking for all the fancy paperwork which your GP would give you as standard, then you’ll find the £60-£80 type prices will suddenly go up somewhat!

My own GP was £117.50 if I recall, and I ended up claiming on that. WIth the 45% relief, it became less than what other surgeries were charging anyway!

I was grossing over £40kpa at the time, so this has got nothing to do with tax credits, or any other government “Hand out” - just a tax claim like the PPE £80 that everyone can claim, but I suspect many don’t out of ignorance. :open_mouth:

The last time I had an HGV medical my own doctor was charging £132, I got it done for £15 from a doctor who only did HGV medicals :smiley:

Unfortunately he’s now retired so no more £15 medicals :frowning:

Here’s a little tip, not sure if it works at all places but did for a friend last year.

The local “Walk in clinic” (loads of these lottery funded places popping up) will do it for you if you book an appointment, and they only charge the same as a sick note, so £20 - £35 depending on how they charge.
Apparently something to do with it being because you aren’t registered there it’s just seen as a form filling general health type thing rather than a “Medical Assessment” that your own GP will see it as.