HGV / LGV class 2 (Cat C) Passed today

Finally Passed my Cat C today, Now its all over but still have CPC to do but that is easy part !!

Where can i apply my tacho card ? And i still have my Licence and Paper with me, I got to post it with my certificate to post office, Is that correct? Wasn’t sure if i understood him as you all know i am Deaf.

Thanks for all your help and appreciated it

CPC Bring it on! :slight_smile:

:smiley: :smiley:

Finally Passed my Cat C today, Now its all over but still have CPC to do but that is easy part !!

Where can i apply my tacho card ? And i still have my Licence and Paper with me, I got to post it with my certificate to post office, Is that correct? Wasn’t sure if i understood him as you all know i am Deaf.

Thanks for all your help and appreciated it

CPC Bring it on! :slight_smile:

Unless you need the licence for something then the examiner usually deals with it at the time of passing

Now you will have to post the licence and the blue pass cert to DVLA - Make sure you scan everything before sending
You will not get the pass cert back but you can always print yourself a colour copy from the scan of it you took

■■■■! - I forgot you are hard of hearing so I should have done all this in CAPSLOCK :wink: :laughing:

It’s very important that you keep a scanned copy. I’m a biker and a few years ago people were sending in their licences to dvla for address changes etc and they were coming back minus the bike entitlements.
Edit: and of course congratulations :grimacing: