hgv levy

so come 1st of april 2014 and the introduction of the new hgv levy to the uk …just how enforceable will it be ?
fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/ … 5993_n.jpg

so come 1st of april 2014 and the introduction of the new hgv levy to the uk …just how enforceable will it be ?
fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/ … 5993_n.jpg

HGV Levy Driver/Operator Supplementary Guidance 1212 © Crown copyright, 2013, except where otherwise stated
38. How would the enforcement agencies know if I haven’t paid my levy?
All enforcement agencies will be automatically alerted when an HGV enters the UK road network without paying the levy. HGVs will be stopped and the driver issued with a £300 fixed penalty which will be taken at the roadside.
much the same was as any UK vehicle has tax mot and insurance it’ll be on the eye spy box .

If the letters HGV arent enough ,then check the date.

If the letters HGV arent enough ,then check the date.

The date has nowt to do with it fella

my betting , there will be some non uk trucks bringing the stuff over, then they will buy some battered uk trucks to use in the uk, filled up by emptying the long range tanks on the docks when they swap trailers

my betting , there will be some non uk trucks bringing the stuff over, then they will buy some battered uk trucks to use in the uk, filled up by emptying the long range tanks on the docks when they swap trailers

have you looked at the rates fella :open_mouth: :unamused:

northgate-ispublicservices.c … nglish.pdf

so it’ll be cheaper to do it your way eh :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

couldn’t get link to work … removed :blush:

If the letters HGV arent enough ,then check the date.

and just so you can read it.
the date of 2013 is I think when it (the ACT) went through …



fella ? i never knew the cost , hardly expencive is it, i guess the annual fee will be paid then , and lots of cloned plates will be used

my betting , there will be some non uk trucks bringing the stuff over, then they will buy some battered uk trucks to use in the uk, filled up by emptying the long range tanks on the docks when they swap trailers

and they will have to pay the levy on that truck, as we all have to pay from the 1st of april, but our road tax will be reduced by the amount that we pay in the road levy.
under e.u. law the u.k. couldn’t just charge foreign trucks it had to be across the board, but as I said u.k. hauliers will get the reduction in the road fund licence equal to what they pay on the levy :sunglasses: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

this is from the government web site:-

Non-UK registered vehicles

Vehicles registered abroad must make levy payments before entering the UK and details about levy amounts are available . The levy can be paid by day, week, month or year and discounts are available.

Payment channels for foreign operators, drivers and booking agents will be available from 17 March 2014 including:
-an online payment portal
-by telephone
-a limited number of point of sale terminals on ferries and truck stops

The foreign operator payment system is operated by Northgate Public Services on behalf of the Department for Transport. Visiting HGV drivers and operators of HGVs registered outside of the UK can sign up for updates about how and where to pay levy .

Other information regarding the road user levy is:
-there will be no physical sign of payment through the display of a paper disc, sticker or similar item
-payment of the levy will be recorded in a database using the vehicle registration as the unique identifier
-a public web based database will be available to allow anyone to check the levy status of an HGV by entering its registration number.
-the payment database will enable authorities to identify and take necessary action where the levy has not been paid, or underpayment is suspected.
-the introduction of a charging scheme for foreign hauliers is something the logistics industry has long called for, provided that the cost burden on UK carriers remains roughly neutral
-failure to pay the levy will be a criminal offence, attracting a £300 fixed penalty notice — or in the case of foreign HGVs, a deposit taken at the roadside
-the HGV road user levy scheme will be primarily enforced by the Vehicle Operator Services Agency (VOSA) in England, Scotland and Wales, with Driver and Vehicle Agency (DVA) enforcing the scheme in Northern Ireland - the police also have enforcement powers
-the policy to implement a HGV road user levy is contained in the coalition agreement and in the Department for Transport’s business plan
-there are about 260,000 UK registered HGVs weighing more than 12 tonnes — this is out of a total UK HGV fleet of 465,500 (TSGB 2012)
-about 130,000 foreign HGVs enter the UK each year, making a total of 1.5 million trips (Survey of foreign vehicle activity )

The levy follows a Department for Transport consultation on charging heavy goods vehicles in early 2012 with its response published in October 2012