HGV driving Health risks

I dont have any superstitions,thats against myChristian views but one thing happened once at the railport at Crick,they told me to park my container in the middle ,but I disobeyed this drove round the side of the track.I then heard a massive bang.I thoight the train had collided with something.I then realised two containers had blown over,it was very windy and they were stacked on top of each other maybe 4 or 5 high.They landed in the middle,right where I had been told to wait.Im left thinking,wtf wss that all about…
I always refuse to go in there if its windy

I don’t have any superstitions ,thats against my Christian views

Ok, but surely that is a contradiction in terms, and a conflict of interests.
Surely being a Christian (or of any other religious sect) IS superstition personified.

The definition of superstition,.as I’m sure you know, is a belief in something that is irrational in terms of being unable to explain. , and/or SUPERNATURAL and/or the fear of something that is unknown.

Now if you agree with that definition, and unless you can actually prove that what you believe in is real and explanatory …it is by definition ‘‘superstition’’ is it not?
Irrespective of whether or not you find that uncomfortable.

Please don’t come back with…‘‘Get thee behind me Rob’’. :wink: :laughing:
(I went to Sunday school.and confirmation classes :sunglasses: :laughing: )


I don’t have any superstitions ,thats against my Christian views

Ok, but surely that is a contradiction in terms, and a conflict of interests.
Surely being a Christian (or of any other religious sect) IS superstition

Now if you agree with that definition, and unless you can actually prove that what you believe in is real and explanatory …it is by definition ‘‘superstition’’ is it not?
Irrespective of whether or not you find that uncomfortable.

Please don’t come back with…‘‘Get thee behind me Rob’’. :wink: :laughing:
(I went to Sunday school.and confirmation classes :sunglasses: :laughing: )

Oh,ok,then I only have one superstition then,Christianity,if that falls inti the category of superstitions,but things like walking under a ladder or the unlucky 13 number,I dont believe in those.But proof of God is all around,the sun setting,all the animals,walking through a forest with famiky,friends,etc…If youre saying that all these things came into existance from nothing,I cant believe that.



I don’t have any superstitions ,thats against my Christian views

Ok, but surely that is a contradiction in terms, and a conflict of interests.
Surely being a Christian (or of any other religious sect) IS superstition

Now if you agree with that definition, and unless you can actually prove that what you believe in is real and explanatory …it is by definition ‘‘superstition’’ is it not?
Irrespective of whether or not you find that uncomfortable.

Please don’t come back with…‘‘Get thee behind me Rob’’. :wink: :laughing:
(I went to Sunday school.and confirmation classes :sunglasses: :laughing: )

Oh,ok,then I only have one superstition then,Christianity,if that falls inti the category of superstitions,but things like walking under a ladder or the unlucky 13 number,I dont believe in those.But proof of God is all around,the sun setting,all the animals,walking through a forest with famiky,friends,etc…If youre saying that all these things came into existance from nothing,I cant believe that.

Thing is science CAN be (and is) proven.
Unsubstantiated opinions to back up.a theory or a belief can never be,.because that is all they are.

mmm,Im not sure about that…

Whenever I hear the tune Crimond… ‘The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want’, I find myself struggling not to well up. The words somehow the comfort they are supposed to be considering it is played at funerals. But it always makes me wonder : what do I believe? like Robroy I had a childhood up until 17 that included fairly frequent Sunday worship. From that day on I’ve never gone back except for family ceremonies etc. However probably like so many, when family is threatened sometimes there can be quiet private moments. Something just sticks from those early years, even if the stories seem only believable to a child. It’s a difficult one, not helped by hearing the tune in anger only a couple of days ago at the funeral of a much admired workmate from some 50 years ago.


As an ex soldier and as part of “Maggies Army” I’ve witnessed atrocities carried out by Protestants against Catholics and vice versa and atrocities carried out by Christians against Moslems and vice versa all in the name of religion. You could argue successfully that it was people and not God doing that and I’d wholeheartedly agree, but please tell me what sort of God would let a 6 year old die a painful death from cancer whilst letting a 90 year old Peado live a long life?

Religion? Brainwashing and control of the masses for centuries.

mmm,Im not sure about that…

What are you not sure about?..-
That science can not be proven?.., because it sure as hell (no pun intended) can.

So unless you can prove to me that a ‘god’ created any of what you mentioned as examples, facts must take precedence over what you ‘believe’.

Sorry mate, but from as long as I can remember, anybody I have discussed this with can not come up with a credible argument, but instead offer jumbo jumbo type ‘‘examples’’ that can always be refuted by scientific facts, and that are nearly always backed up by religious slogans or soundbites.

How can you say it is not right to tell a kid that something as harmless as Santa exists that can only bring good for a short time in it’s life, but it is fine to fill it’s head with a similar type fantasy,.to pass of as the truth until like me he/she realised it was all a con, that was divided by ancient civilizations of human beings … that has caused so much strife and trouble in the world.

The USP of religions is that whilst it is superstitious ‘Make Believe’ Once you believe they have you for life & can feed all sorts of BS into you.

Luckily I escaped from a Baptist Family when I went away to sea aged 17.

When I see posts from people like Sploom I feel sad for them, what is it that makes them fall for such a load of ‘Old Bllcks’ as Christianity? (Sadly probably the same ‘Old Bllcks’ that got them excited about ■■■■■■■■)

I know there is supposedly a variety for everyone: Plymouth Brethren, Happy Clappy, Baptist, Methodist, Anglican, Catholick, Orthodox, to name just a few.

But really, do you actually believe that the Old White Man with a beard created the World & the Universe in 6 days ■■ - If you do, I wouldn’t risk the safety of the public and let you drive one of my trucks, I would suggest you got counseling &/or mental help.

I have attended boarding school when I was younger and it was mainly staffed by Nuns and priests. My early school years were not as happy as most. It was very strict and was ran by fear. Always telling us how either god would punish us or that we would go to hell. Not a great choice when you are a young impressionable lad away from home. Athough the education standards in comparison to most was second to non, it was not an environment that I would choose for my children. I kicked against religion after that experience. I don’t think that there are many of these type of establishments nowadays as they were more like prisons than schools.

Sitting on your duff in heavy traffic breathing air filled with diesel particulates? Yeah - its about as unhealthy as it gets.

Each to their own,but it seems a bit extreme to forbid someone driving trucks because of their religous beliefs.I have been driving trucks nearly 25 years,no accidents and I like to think I do the job well despite believing God created the world in 6 days.

the maoster:
As an ex soldier and as part of “Maggies Army” I’ve witnessed atrocities carried out by Protestants against Catholics and vice versa and atrocities carried out by Christians against Moslems and vice versa all in the name of religion. You could argue successfully that it was people and not God doing that and I’d wholeheartedly agree, but please tell me what sort of God would let a 6 year old die a painful death from cancer whilst letting a 90 year old Peado live a long life?

Religion? Brainwashing and control of the masses for centuries.

The same god that created wasps who paralyse prey then lay eggs in them that eat their way out through the victims bottom.

These things all came after the fall when Eve ate the apple.It wasnt in Gods original design

But why would a decent bloke like God set adam and eve such wierd challenges as dont go near that tree?

And why is he such a prude getting upset about nakedness?

These things all came after the fall when Eve ate the apple.It wasnt in Gods original design

Not quite correct, it was actually supposedly a fig and not an apple that was the fall of man.

They wanted their figgy pudding.

But why would a decent bloke like God set adam and eve such wierd challenges as dont go near that tree?

And why is he such a prude getting upset about nakedness?

Two things with this, it wasnt god that was prudish about nakedness but by eating the forbidden fruit (the fig) it was from the tree of all knowledge that woke them up and opened their eyes that made them realise that they were naked.
If they ate from the forbiden tree then they would have the same knowledge as god himself. This is what the serpent told them both, the serpent being the Devil.

> Sploom:
> These things all came after the fall when Eve ate the apple.It wasnt in Gods original design

If you look carefully at the photos of the Garden of Eden, it wasn’t the snake at fault it was Keith Richards who planted the Apple Tree in the 1st place.

In most photos of the Garden of Eden, Richards’ shadow can be seen just out of shot to the left of Eve. :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Some commentators even wonder whether Richards might actually be God, considering how long he’s been around.

Reading some of these posts,it sounds like,not that you believe He exists,its the fact that you hate Him,because you dont like the things He allows and does.I suggest
If I said Father Christmas exists,you would all just simply laugh at me,thats the difference