HGV and PCV for over 30s

The government are introducing new rules for younger drivers.
They will not be allowed to drive between the hours of 22.00 hours and 0500 hours unless accompanied by someone over 30.
So if you’re aged between 18 and 30, and have a professional drivers licence, just put it in a draw until you’re 30.
Things are hard enough for some without more ill thought through legislation.

What about all of the young workers who are in catering and bar work etc.We dont all work office hours.

Is there any actual proof of the government implementing this?

Phil has not got it quite correct but from what I got from the BBC TV this morning …

It is proposed that people can start learning at age 17 but cannot pass a test until age 18

For the first year after passing the driver would have to display a P plate and can only have passengers if supervised by another driver over age 30

A P plater would also be banned from driving between 10pm to 5am

The age over 30 supervisor and the night driving restriction are deemed to be non starters because lack of authorities to police it in the UK but many other countries seem to have similar such as a full licence holder to accompany a P plater during certain times with a zero alcohol limit imposed on any non full licence holder

Where did you find this ■■■■■■■■■■■■■, thats ageist and illegal surely. It must be a dreamt up idea from a loony politician that will never see the light of day in any civilised country.
In NZ 15 year olds can drive in rural areas and they are not allowed out at night or with company and I can see the merits of that, But this is utter crap from the loony faction.

So if you’re aged between 18 and 30, and have a professional drivers licence, just put it in a draw until you’re 30.

Absolute bs, an 18yr old can drive an artic fully laden if they’ve passed their test…!

More details:


From BBC news article:

"We are committed to improving safety for young drivers and reducing their insurance costs - that is why we are publishing a Green Paper later in the year setting out our proposals.

None of these points are even at the proposal stage yet, as such, even if they are implemented, surely it will take years to get passed as legislation. I would think the more difficult to enforce points would get dropped at proposal stage - if not all the points put forward.
Some younger drivers are better than some with many years experience - it’s unfair to classify ALL young drivers as dangerous - which seems to be the thinking & reasoning behind the ‘proposals’.


So if you’re aged between 18 and 30, and have a professional drivers licence, just put it in a draw until you’re 30.

Absolute bs, an 18yr old can drive an artic fully laden if they’ve passed their test…!

They can at the moment, But our wonderful leaders are doing everything they can think of to demoralise the population and put them on the dole.

what if an 18 year old has a baby? they’re banned from driving their own child around aswell are they?
this WILL NOT become law.it wasnt the government spouting this dross,it was the Transport Research Lab if i heard it right on the news.
never going to happen.

what if an 18 year old has a baby? they’re banned from driving their own child around aswell are they?
this WILL NOT become law.it wasnt the government spouting this dross,it was the Transport Research Lab if i heard it right on the news.
never going to happen.

what if a 15 year old has a baby? - many do

Are we saying that the age should be lowered?