Hewson Brothers ( Howden )

hi i currently drive for H.B.Holt and sons, who bought hewsons old yard, my mate biddy wilsons dad used to be a fitter at hewsons, bob wilson

mick mangan:
hi i currently drive for H.B.Holt and sons, who bought hewsons old yard, my mate biddy wilsons dad used to be a fitter at hewsons, bob wilson

Eyup Mick, say hello to Carl & Wick for me!


Is that little Biddy who worked at United Carriers with Flash

Hi Everyone,
Does anyone have any pictures of Hewson Brothers from East Yorkshire ? I am originally from Howden and would love to see pictures of their Red and White Ford Transcontinentals and earlier Red and White F88’s when the original Hewson Brothers sold out to Bullens.
Who knows, maybe someone has some tucked away.
Heres hoping.

. Hi there new here I work for hb holt out of hewsons old yard my dad was taffy Pennington a proper grafter, he would do out for a few extra quid for the family I miss him a lot,I think my mam has a few old pics will get her to dig them out and get them on.

Hi Andy, Thanks for your posting.
Would be great to see your Dad’s pictures, there have been some great responses from various members putting on their pictures.What period was he at Hewsons ? :slight_smile:

Hi Andy, Thanks for your posting.
Would be great to see your Dad’s pictures, there have been some great responses from various members putting on their pictures.What period was he at Hewsons ? :slight_smile:

I will have to consult on dates but he was there for donkeys years I can remember Rex crebbs fitter of sorts lol Trevor mell used to shunt with my dad on hull docks, there were the franks bros, mark evringham was just a lad as I remember ime 48 now ,he was there till the end , then Pete and mark set up globe palm at kirmington still on go ,my dad went over to them after few years eventually finishing up back in same yard working with me up to retirement at holts on pallet force job. By the way Bernard walmsley is cousins :


Hi Andy, Thanks for your posting.
Would be great to see your Dad’s pictures, there have been some great responses from various members putting on their pictures.What period was he at Hewsons ? :slight_smile:

I will have to consult on dates but he was there for donkeys years I can remember Rex crebbs fitter of sorts lol Trevor mell used to shunt with my dad on hull docks, there were the franks bros, mark evringham was just a lad as I remember ime 48 now ,he was there till the end , then Pete and mark set up globe palm at kirmington still on go ,my dad went over to them after few years eventually finishing up back in same yard working with me up to retirement at holts on pallet force job. By the way Bernard walmsley is cousins :

Mark is a little bit younger than me, but we were at school together. Ringrose often posts on this thread and he is a friend of Bernards

Wheel Nut:
Mark is a little bit younger than me, but we were at school together. Ringrose often posts on this thread and he is a friend of Bernards

Does any one know if Bernard still lives in Gilberdyke? My dad worked with him for many years at Globepalm when they were both pulling for Neill and Brown. My dad is under the impression that Bernard has moved since retiring and doesn’t know where to find him.

Hi Robinhood, Bernard was still in Gilberdyke when I met up with him this time last year.Still not quite retired though(!) driving the odd day each week for Neill & Brown and still the odd overseas to Germany when covering holidays.Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Hi Robinhood, Bernard was still in Gilberdyke when I met up with him this time last year.Still not quite retired though(!) driving the odd day each week for Neill & Brown and still the odd overseas to Germany when covering holidays.Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Many thanks, good to know. My dad probably got confused and went to the wrong house! I’m not surprised that he hasn’t retired though, I know he’s never been keen on the idea. The last time I saw him was about 2008 when we were both loading at Stromp’s in Krefeld and went in to town together that night for a few drinks.


Sad news.Peter Everingham passed away on Monday. Funeral at Grimsby Crem on Monday 27th April.

Further sad news for those that might not be aware, Bernard Walmsley passed away suddenly in early December.

Two stalwarts of Hewson Brothers (Howden).

RIP to you both.

Hi Everyone,
Does anyone have any pictures of Hewson Brothers from East Yorkshire ? I am originally from Howden and would love to see pictures of their Red and White Ford Transcontinentals and earlier Red and White F88’s when the original Hewson Brothers sold out to Bullens.
Who knows, maybe someone has some tucked away.
Heres hoping.

my dad drove ABT 6K for a firm called channel flow in baking essex which was a part of bullans gilspur , will try and put some phots on soon of when me dad drove bless him

my dad drove ABT 6K for a firm called channel flow in baking essex which was a part of bullans gilspur , will try and put some phots on soon of when me dad drove bless him

Will be interested in those, I have an old workmate who drove one of the 88’s although he is not driving at the moment.


My Dad used to drive for Hewson’s (25yrs) i will try to find pictures.Remember them being taken over by Bullen’s .poss Giltspur Bullens.

If i remember correctly Channelflow was an off shoot of Hewsons

Hi Yorkie,
Many thanks for your reply.Would love to see any photos you have of the firm.I get back to Howden every now and then so may meet up some time in the future ! Good luck with your search.

I borrowed this one from Bubblemans Scrapbook thread. I am sure he doesn’t mind.

Yorkie, who is your Dad?

Wheelnut.Any idea where the Hewson Transcon is ? Is it round the back of the Thorpe Road yard ? but there looks to be a lot of tilts…Great picture.Is it from an article ?

Heres one from the scrapbook…early pages. :smiley:

Cheers Bubbs. :wink: