Hewson Brothers Howden

My dad drove for Harpers for a while not sure how long but he went to Robinson Bros of Pocklington after that.

Wheel Nut:

Chris Webb:
That’s them,Holts. Thanks for that Malc.I suppose a lot of these firms have “pulled t’pin”?

J A Holt & Sons also operated coaches and they got quite big in that doing the 3 football and rugby teams from Hull. The trucks were sold off and the traffic office juniors who were called Brian Yeardley and David Riby left and eventually set up on their own :wink:

Jack Holts son, Glen is back in transport again, but in construction and caravan transport trading as City Plant hire.

All the other names have gone through retirement many years ago. Stuart and Philip Harper are running a truck each. Glen Holts cousins are now using the old Hewson Bros depot at Howden running a well established business.

I shall put some photos up of JA Holts fleet later, just had a bit of a surprise with them from someone whose dad drove for them out of Turks Head

Who do you drive for wheelnut?

Who do you drive for wheelnut?

Bill Gates. I haven’t turned a wheel in anger since 2009 :frowning:

I am like your granny sat in the back seat. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cant fault ya for that! Do you live in Melbourne near Pocklington?

Cant fault ya for that! Do you live in Melbourne near Pocklington?

No but I did live in Shiptonthorpe for a short time. I am omnipotent, although the doctor is looking into that.

I live in Market Weighton had family that lived there and some live at Ellerton thats why i asked thought i might have known ya!

I live in Market Weighton had family that lived there and some live at Ellerton thats why i asked thought i might have known ya!

You may well do. especially if your dad worked for Sharper by Harper :stuck_out_tongue:

Can you remember Nod? Well thats me dad

hi mate. i worked at sharper be harper back in the earlier days. what did they call your dad. might know him.

hi mate. i worked at sharper be harper back in the earlier days. what did they call your dad. might know him.

how about Ken Pickering John, now he was a rum egg :stuck_out_tongue:

Hi John he is called Nod left harpers to go to robinson brothers at pock then when they packed in he went to LTC and was there when you went there then when they packed in he went to walkers at fridaythorpe.

yes mate i do remember nod now. brain gettin a bit tired now lol :slight_smile: its a long time ago now.
yeah happy days down there at howdendyke cold on that jetty in winter tho. i was shunting for them then with a old 110 scania with me dad cec and ken pickering ( rum egg malc) :laughing: he must be gettin on now ur dad is he retired yet. :question: nice fleet a lorrys they had back then. oh how time flies when your havin fun. :slight_smile:
motto. sharper b harper. :laughing: f&j wright send it b nite.we had a lot ov sayings back then good old days.
regards johny rose63.

Hi John no he isnt retired yet he will be about 58 or 59 i reckon! I am to young to remember the harper days but there is a photo of me somewhere stood in front of one of the f10s.I know me dad drove a rigid f7 i think and they put him through his class 1 without any lessons which he failed!

Wheel Nut:

Wheel Nut:

Chris Webb:
That’s them,Holts. Thanks for that Malc.I suppose a lot of these firms have “pulled t’pin”?

J A Holt & Sons also operated coaches and they got quite big in that doing the 3 football and rugby teams from Hull. The trucks were sold off and the traffic office juniors who were called Brian Yeardley and David Riby left and eventually set up on their own :wink:

Jack Holts son, Glen is back in transport again, but in construction and caravan transport trading as City Plant hire.

All the other names have gone through retirement many years ago. Stuart and Philip Harper are running a truck each. Glen Holts cousins are now using the old Hewson Bros depot at Howden running a well established business.

I shall put some more photos up of JA Holts fleet later, just had a bit of a surprise with them from someone whose dad drove for them out of Turks Head Newport

The Turks Head was by the canal bridge in Newport on the A63, anyone remember that?

Glen Holt was the son of the founder, Dave Riby went on to become European Road Freight before Dominic Yeardley bought the company.

I just got a facebook message from the regular driver of that Leyland Dodge telling me his mate Norman Kay had just rounded Aberdeen in 20 hours non stop :open_mouth:

The Atkinson to the left of the Scania was one of about a dozen I painted when I left school. Flame Red which was Orange although some of the later lorries were painted Silver & Blue for the IFF contract

Wheel Nut:

Wheel Nut:

Wheel Nut:

Chris Webb:
That’s them,Holts. Thanks for that Malc.I suppose a lot of these firms have “pulled t’pin”?

J A Holt & Sons also operated coaches and they got quite big in that doing the 3 football and rugby teams from Hull. The trucks were sold off and the traffic office juniors who were called Brian Yeardley and David Riby left and eventually set up on their own :wink:

Jack Holts son, Glen is back in transport again, but in construction and caravan transport trading as City Plant hire.

All the other names have gone through retirement many years ago. Stuart and Philip Harper are running a truck each. Glen Holts cousins are now using the old Hewson Bros depot at Howden running a well established business.

I shall put some more photos up of JA Holts fleet later, just had a bit of a surprise with them from someone whose dad drove for them out of Turks Head Newport

The Turks Head was by the canal bridge in Newport on the A63, anyone remember that?

Glen Holt was the son of the founder, Dave Riby went on to become European Road Freight before Dominic Yeardley bought the company.

I just got a facebook message from the regular driver of that Leyland Dodge telling me his mate had just rounded Aberdeen in 20 hours non stop :open_mouth:

The Atkinson to the left of the Scania was one of about a dozen I painted when I left school. Flame Red which was Orange although some of the later lorries were painted Silver & Blue for the IFF contract

Wheelnut, does Eddie Holt from Howden still run trucks, his old man used to race chariots and have the bike shop on the corner, off the main square opposite the carrier company who’s name escapes me ?

Yeah he does green and red they are pulling curtainsiders.The yards near Howden joinery.

Wheelnut, does Eddie Holt from Howden still run trucks, his old man used to race chariots and have the bike shop on the corner, off the main square opposite the carrier company who’s name escapes me ?

Different Eddy, different transport company.

Eddie Holt runs HB Holt with his mum and two brothers out of Hewsons old yard but they are from Gilberdyke and their dad did milk collections in churns.

Holts for Haulage.jpg
That is young Eddie I believe with his dad.

HB Holt.jpg

Eddy who raced bikes was Eddies Motorcycles and had the corner shop in Howden opposite United Carriers, previously Wilmott Motors. Maybe Ringrose will remember Eddies surname.

To many folk with the same name lol!

Sorry guys, do not know the surname.Know the shop that you refer to, but I had left Howden by then, so not so familiar with the people of that era in Howden.
I’ll ask my cousin David Now living over in Cyprus who will know.
Wheelnut , I am off up to Yorkshire tomorrow and hoping to pop in to see Bernard whilst I am there.Any message you wish me to pass on ?