He's passed

Just a quick update …
As some of you know my lad has been 4yrs as a blipy ( to do with training others in Air traffic Control stuff) basically an apprentice…

Over the last 9 weeks he’s been undergoing exams training and a interview in Kirkwall (Orkney Isles ) for a future position ( didn’t get but was worth the interview experience Abet it cost me near £400 to get him there for 1 day ).

Well I got a call from him today he’s all done finished and PASSED all he’s waiting for now is the certificate signed and stamped from the CAA…

I cant tell you how proud I am of him after 4 years hard graft and commuting Bristol - Cheltenham every day for a lad that started this dream ambition at 18 1/2 working weekends in a bar just to top up his wages etc .

Now the search for a job starts… but in the meantime he’ll still be working at Cheltenham and the pub … Thanks for them that took interest …

Well done to him

Spot on Nick, my heartfelt congratulations to your boy. Your new job is now to ensure he fulfills his potential so that he can keep you as you grow old disgracefully. :smiley:

the maoster:
Spot on Nick, my heartfelt congratulations to your boy. Your new job is now to ensure he fulfills his potential so that he can keep you as you grow old disgracefully. :smiley:

you aint wrong there :wink:

Nice one :smiley: :smiley:

Hard work and diligence has reaped its just reward, it would appear! Hats off to the young man for sticking at his goal and seeing it through to a successful conclusion. Hats off to you too, Nick, for being a proper dad, and supporting him in (i suspect) many different capacities. Heres hoping that the matching job comes his way before too long! :wink: