Hermes or Ocado

Hi Peeps I have just been offered jobs at Hermes and Ocado. now I am struggling to know which one to go with are there any Lads and lasses out there who work for either who can tell me what its like to work for either. hope you can help peeps.

Well Hermes do parcel deliveries and collections. I would imagine it would be pretty much like Parcel Force. Full trailer somewhere, tip, reload with stuff to go back to start point, to be seperated and sent out in delivery vans etc. Ocado, are they not Waitrose?

Don’t quote me though

Worked for Ocado for 9 months, never again, lots and lots of handballing plastic boxes of groceries up to 21 drops a day , lots of city centre apartment blocks with no lifts, or viable parking areas, timed deliveries with 7 minute drop times, dodgy sat nav software that sends you on a specific timed route, only to find its actually a green lane or bridal path in the pitch dark,( lots of fun in winter :unamused: :laughing: ), so re-route and loose lots of time in the process, in fact chasing your tail all shift, which start at 6 am on earlies and finish at around midnight on lates 5 over 7, your weekly take home will never exceed £250. 70% staff turnover.

I wouldn’t work for Hermes as it sounds like a nasty disease,…
… as for Ocado, they are still loosing money so how long would that last?

If its self-employed parcel deliver for Hermes, then be warned: … ier-l.html

Do you mean Hermes on their self employed courier or their Class 2/1 Drivers?

If its the Class 2/1 drivers I’v been in there most of this and last summer so if you want to know more just shout


Cheers peeps yeah I did forget to say its Full time Class 1 work for both any info greatly apreciated

Hi rob yeah its class 1 work full time not self employed what can you tell me my friend

Do you mean Hermes on their self employed courier or their Class 2/1 Drivers?

If its the Class 2/1 drivers I’v been in there most of this and last summer so if you want to know more just shout


I’ve been told that Ocado film their actual drivers with a camera inside the cab. I’ve nothing to hide, but I would find that a bit invasive to be spied on all day like that.

I worked for Ocado for 5 years, albeit as a van driver/yard dogsbody. In my opinion a good company to work for. From memory the LGV drivers were on about 10 quid an hour for a flat 40 (4x10), there always used to be overtime on the 5th day for those who wanted it. Vehicles were clean and maintained very well. Good benefits package including company sick pay - becoming a rarity nowadays. Work dead easy, trunking to and from outbases. I’d work for them again and if I ever find enough spare beer tokens to add the E to my C I just might.

… as for Ocado, they are still loosing money so how long would that last?

This is only true because they keep investing in infrastructure like Dordon CFC, the shares rocketed recently when it was announced they will start delivering for Morrisons as well as their own stuff and Waitrose (indirectly). Sounds long term to me.

I’ve been told that Ocado film their actual drivers with a camera inside the cab. I’ve nothing to hide, but I would find that a bit invasive to be spied on all day like that.

This is true also, all vehicles are fitted with SmartDrive cameras for insurance purposes (honest!). Road and cab facing lenses, permanently on but only records (alledgedly) when activated by impact, heavy braking, harsh cornering, rumble strips, twigs, sweet wrappers etc :wink: then saves 15 seconds prior to activation and 15 seconds after.
You get used to them.

One sour note is that me and a mate actually discovered covert pinhole cameras in 3 of the delivery vans, situated by the grab handle above the drivers seat. When challenged local management were gobsmacked but apparently they had been fitted to try and counter tax disc theft and left in. Read what you will into that. Still got the pictures somewhere, might dig 'em out.

I did 18 years at Hermes (parcelnet/ direct line etc)
Class 1 work nights will be trunking to depots, either trailer swap or have a break whilst trailer is tipped.
days will be collecting goods from customers ready for night trunking, some handball involved there but not masses.
tackle is good but not top of the range, well maintained .
Was well paid but not too sure that it is much above average now.
if permanent (which I am surprised at as I thought that they were going down the agency route) conditions were also good re pension, hols, sick pay etc.

Ocado is early starts well 4-6am if that’s what you call early. Easy decker trunking on the class one out of Dordon I presume. You will be filmed all day with a camera pointing at you and at the road ahead. Everything done by the book. They won’t like you if you aren’t a team player/yes man.

If it was me, I’d choose Hermes I presume at the new DC in Tamworth. I’d say you’ll be able to pick your start time within reason.

Both are stable companies with a good, secure future.

Many thanks for your reply I doo seem to be heading for hermes I think

Ocado is early starts well 4-6am if that’s what you call early. Easy decker trunking on the class one out of Dordon I presume. You will be filmed all day with a camera pointing at you and at the road ahead. Everything done by the book. They won’t like you if you aren’t a team player/yes man.

If it was me, I’d choose Hermes I presume at the new DC in Tamworth. I’d say you’ll be able to pick your start time within reason.

Both are stable companies with a good, secure future.

Hi Again peeps a bit worried about this Igloo Hermes combination can anyone put my mind at rest