Heres 1 for you all

who is the guy that worked for framptons,who thought he was a chicken

tyone know,lolhought he was a cgicken,an

OK, I give in :laughing:


Would that have been ‘George’

As in ‘Chicken George’ Sorry could not resist that

Regards Pat

Framptons from Zummerzet, still going aint they,i recall they used to carry egg products.
Anyway, his name was Brian and so was his wife

thought his nickname was doogle


Framptons from Zummerzet, still going aint they,i recall they used to carry egg products.
Anyway, his name was Brian and so was his wife

I know that they used to carry turkey eggs.Therefore I think that the guy who thought he was a chicken was in fact a gobbler ( In the best possible taste of course ) :laughing: :laughing: