Here Robbie chew on this … turies.pdf

It a good read though dont know if you will get past the first page if you dp you only have about 590 to go to the end.
Since I have a flu and am not working I will get all the comparative data for all the countries and show you where the bear ■■■■ in the buckbrush as my father would say.

Robbbie I have compiled the raw data for truck drivers in Europe, GB, USA, and CANADA. As well I have the cost of living data and the job avalibility data for all the countries and the major centers by district. Would you like me to show everyone just how stupid you are or should I just do a general information post for drivers to compare. Your choice I can go either way with this. Raw stats are so boring but I can liven them up a bit.

I think you should make him look an idiot already…wait already done that himself…You should shame him…Nope he’s bet you to it. Ah well why not make him feel like a bigger prat then he already is :smiley: :smiley:

And showing us how stupid he already is… :confused: :confused: He’s in a different category all together, even stupid people have more brains then he does!!! :laughing: :laughing:

Beat the troll so to speak :wink: :wink:

I can give you the stats from a personal point of view. My income, over the previous 4 years, has averaged 54k. The average was affected last year by a life threatening accident which cost me 2 months of work in all.

My house stands me 146k total. That is all I owe except about $30 on a credit card. Oh, and I replaced all the windows but added that to the Hydro bill.

My Hydro bill is a bit steep, and is about $320 per month, but the windows make the majority of that. My phones are about $200 a month, but the company pay $100 of the bill anyway. I have no water bill, and the sewer bill is about $5 (five) a month. I have full bennies with the firm for medical, optical and dental. I also pay for the Satellite TV, $100 a month.

Now adding it all up, and comparing it to that which I paid 5 years ago, and what I owed 5 years ago, I KNOW I am better off here.

The troll spouts stuff then hides beneath his rock again, but in a way he is doing us a favour. You see, he reaffirms just how bad things are in the UK for the expats, and he explains why so many of us left the UK to the Canadians.