herald of free enterprise

25 year’s R I P to all who lost their live’s


RIP to all ,had a family from my town involved in that, both parents died and they pulled the daughter (who is my age,and was my mates neighbour) out of the water they called her the ice maiden ,lucky she survived and still see her about ,cant belive its 25 years.

Heard an interview with two survivors on Radio 4 in the early hours today. Brought a lump to my throat. Apparently being involved in a boat disaster or train crash is much more traumatic because they are seen as the safest mode of transport. Listen again on iPlayer. RIP.

I had used that ferry quite often during my Europe /M.E .days and had only been off the road for 6 months when that happened.
There but for the Grace of God…

I had used that ferry quite often during my Europe /M.E .days and had only been off the road for 6 months when that happened.
There but for the Grace of God…

My dad was working for B.E.T on tanks and was on his way home from Europe but he got to the dock too late and she had already left, then next thing we new was it had gone down and as they didn,t have phones in the cabs or mobiles we didn,t know were he was so my wife and i just sat and waited. If i,m right B.E.T had a few trailers on her but i don,t know about any drivers, also i heard a rumour that a driver from Interox (Warrington ) was driving onto her and told to pull off as she was full ■■?,but you know how these things start. GOD REST ALL THAT DIED ON HER

boatchaser that driver from warrington was paul roberts,and it was true about he had to reverse off that boat because it was full.

boatchaser that driver from warrington was paul roberts,and it was true about he had to reverse off that boat because it was full.

You hear these stories and wonder are they true, Dad had told me that he had heard this story and always said it was true. Thanks for that, dad had other stories from his days running out of S.Irlande


boatchaser that driver from warrington was paul roberts,and it was true about he had to reverse off that boat because it was full.

You hear these stories and wonder are they true, Dad had told me that he had heard this story and always said it was true. Thanks for that, dad had other stories from his days running out of S.Irlande

If “it was full” . . how did he get on it?

Perhaps he was on the link span

Perhaps he was on the link span

Thought that meself but “had to reverse off the boat”



boatchaser that driver from warrington was paul roberts,and it was true about he had to reverse off that boat because it was full.

You hear these stories and wonder are they true, Dad had told me that he had heard this story and always said it was true. Thanks for that, dad had other stories from his days running out of S.Irlande

If “it was full” . . how did he get on it?

In those days quite a few ferry companies would try and squeeze another truck on without knowing whether it would actually fit. You may have enough length on the floor but it’s was always a guess whether the door would clear the top of the trailer to close. Most times you managed to fit on, the odd time you had to do the reverse of shame whilst pretending you don’t care.