Helpful car driver, this guy needs a mention

Such an incompetent “professional” driver…
I’m sure the car driver would of taken the blame for him had he of got stuck under that bridge…KNOW YOUR HEIGHT PPL!!

Such an incompetent “professional” driver…
I’m sure the car driver would of taken the blame for him had he of got stuck under that bridge…KNOW YOUR HEIGHT PPL!!


Limper’s at there v best ha ha

Fantastic, what I liked best, was that this good Samaritan offers to watch him under the bridge, but first positions his car to catch any potential mishap :unamused: , and then whilst out of the car assisting the manoeuvre, at the very point where the trailer would come in to contact with the bridge, he is actually looking at the white focus driver, whilst talking to him :laughing:

From the steering wheel attendants point of view, that’s ■■■■ poor planning not to have checked the trailer height. Maybe 15 years or more ago, I might have done the same and asked a member of the public to cast their eye as I eased under a low bridge, but in these days where everyone is out to get you one way or another, I’d never chance it, and always know my heights :wink:

That’s literally three minutes walk from my house and I can guess what’s happened as I’ve ‘resuced’ a fair few truck drivers over the years.

As you head south over the Runcorn Widnes bridge adopting the right hand lane to head west for Junction 12 on the 56, the left hand lane veers off and and the right hand lane goes into two lanes and you need to stay in the outside.

It’s fairly clearly signposted not to adopt the left hand lane as it goes to the station and residential areas only. However, loads of people still get surprised by it and as the left hand splits from the right hand lane on a fairly sharp curve, it’s often too late to get back into the right hand lane.

So then you get to a mini roundabout. To the left you can see a road that looks like it goes nowhere and a low bridge ( lower than the one in the video. To the right is a weight limited bridge that he’s jsut gone over and then the bridge in question.

What you should do is turn left and go down the road that looks like it goes nowhere!

That driver just let himself down, and made himself look a complete ■■■■.

By driving in a hi viz. :smiley:…obviously agency.

That’s literally three minutes walk from my house and I can guess what’s happened as I’ve ‘resuced’ a fair few truck drivers over the years.

As you head south over the Runcorn Widnes bridge adopting the right hand lane to head west for Junction 12 on the 56, the left hand lane veers off and and the right hand lane goes into two lanes and you need to stay in the outside.

It’s fairly clearly signposted not to adopt the left hand lane as it goes to the station and residential areas only. However, loads of people still get surprised by it and as the left hand splits from the right hand lane on a fairly sharp curve, it’s often too late to get back into the right hand lane.

So then you get to a mini roundabout. To the left you can see a road that looks like it goes nowhere and a low bridge ( lower than the one in the video. To the right is a weight limited bridge that he’s jsut gone over and then the bridge in question.

What you should do is turn left and go down the road that looks like it goes nowhere!

Is that the car park near to where the Waterloo pub used to be ?


That’s literally three minutes walk from my house and I can guess what’s happened as I’ve ‘resuced’ a fair few truck drivers over the years.

As you head south over the Runcorn Widnes bridge adopting the right hand lane to head west for Junction 12 on the 56, the left hand lane veers off and and the right hand lane goes into two lanes and you need to stay in the outside.

It’s fairly clearly signposted not to adopt the left hand lane as it goes to the station and residential areas only. However, loads of people still get surprised by it and as the left hand splits from the right hand lane on a fairly sharp curve, it’s often too late to get back into the right hand lane.

So then you get to a mini roundabout. To the left you can see a road that looks like it goes nowhere and a low bridge ( lower than the one in the video. To the right is a weight limited bridge that he’s jsut gone over and then the bridge in question.

What you should do is turn left and go down the road that looks like it goes nowhere!

Is that the car park near to where the Waterloo pub used to be ?

Yep, now a Buddhist temple! He then takes him up past the Brindley and through Astmoor IE and back up to the dual carriageway past the Daresbury Science Park.

Remember helping an Asda driver squeeze under the old 13ft 6in bridge in Stewarton nr Kilmarnock one Sunday evening. There had been an accident on the A77 closing the road. There were signs warning of the bridge but I reckon the driver was just following everyone else through the diversion. He was past the point of no return with a massive queue forming behind him. Unit and trailer suspension down and I watched him through with what looked like 1cm to spare.

The bridge collapsed a few years ago as a fuel train passed over it. Now a 15ft 3in bridge. … 495807.stm

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That’s literally three minutes walk from my house and I can guess what’s happened as I’ve ‘resuced’ a fair few truck drivers over the years.

As you head south over the Runcorn Widnes bridge adopting the right hand lane to head west for Junction 12 on the 56, the left hand lane veers off and and the right hand lane goes into two lanes and you need to stay in the outside.

It’s fairly clearly signposted not to adopt the left hand lane as it goes to the station and residential areas only. However, loads of people still get surprised by it and as the left hand splits from the right hand lane on a fairly sharp curve, it’s often too late to get back into the right hand lane.

So then you get to a mini roundabout. To the left you can see a road that looks like it goes nowhere and a low bridge ( lower than the one in the video. To the right is a weight limited bridge that he’s jsut gone over and then the bridge in question.

What you should do is turn left and go down the road that looks like it goes nowhere!

Is that the car park near to where the Waterloo pub used to be ?

Yep, now a Buddhist temple! He then takes him up past the Brindley and through Astmoor IE and back up to the dual carriageway past the Daresbury Science Park.[/

Cheers for that. A mate of mine is a buddhist and attends the temple, at least somebody is putting the place to good use. Good pub back in the day the Waterloo. 2 pints of lager filmed there as well.

eddie snax:
Fantastic, what I liked best, was that this good Samaritan offers to watch him under the bridge, but first positions his car to catch any potential mishap :unamused: , and then whilst out of the car assisting the manoeuvre, at the very point where the trailer would come in to contact with the bridge, he is actually looking at the white focus driver, whilst talking to him :laughing:

That’s what I was thinking while watching the video, fair play to him for helping the driver but you’ve got to question his motives :unamused:

They leave these stupid low bridges lying around just about anywhere :stuck_out_tongue: someone should move them before a truck gets stuck…