
Any of you chaps have a top bunk for a CF space cab?? need one soon for a little expedition.
Cash waiting

Thanks all. :smiley:

i gotta a top bunk from a TGA, if you cant get a cf one, may be unable to fit, but you never know

had a look at that idea but it’s no good…thanks anyway.

someone must have pulled the top cot out surely!!! :smiley:

Might be worth trying one of the breakers yards find one thats had an accident?

Any of you chaps have a top bunk for a CF space cab?? need one soon for a little expedition.
Cash waiting

Thanks all. :smiley:

I’ve got one
Selling the truck at the end of the month.
Bye bye last one :cry:
Will know better tomorrow if it’s available or not

ta… :smiley: