
How talls a portacabin now,I’ve tried to measure it with my tape measure but tape measure collapses before it gets to the top of the cabin,bloody Wilkoes tat

Ha ha ha haha ha ha!!!

Sorry, sorry [composes self]

What was the question again? [wipes tears from eyes]

ooooohhh betty!

It’s 4 foot 2.5 inches for the standard height of a portacabin. That’s in the summer. In the winter they’re higher by 3 foot. If people inside, they expand. Depends on the wind and height of your shoes too.

Failing that. Try this. Get a large step ladder. Climb up it and take your reading from there, whatever the measure says - that’s your height. Tape measure won’t bend as its only got to move up 3 feet or so.

Good luck :lol

Bless you old son. Keep peddling. Ha ha. :grimacing:

Keep pedalling ? you mean digging don’t ya :slight_smile:

Who is it he working for now anyway? I thought he was tramping on general haulage for Stobarts or is he working for WST? Mind you ive never seen them pulling portacabins about.

How did you get on then Dozy? Please do update us.

Last I heard he was queuing up for the Woolworth Fairy !!!


How did you get on then Dozy? Please do update us.

Last I heard he was queuing up for the Woolworth Fairy !!!

:laughing: Probably missed it… literally. Phones boss. Boss " 'Owergoinmate." Dozy. “I think I’ve got water in the diesel.” Boss. " where’s the truck now" ? Dozy "errrrr…