Help with the slot 2 digi please fellas!

Afternoon you fine looking geezers!

I’m taking a new lad out for a few days to show him some regular runs and have been told he’s driving. With regards to using slot two. Obviously his goes in slot one as usual, but with me being passenger and slot 2 do I just put it in a leave it on other work while he is driving and put them both on break at the same time?


I’m sure some of us would simply not put it in there…

I’m sure some of us would simply not put it in there…

I understand that :grimacing: but what if vosa were lurking around the corner? Ehhhhhhh :laughing:

Your a drivers mate :wink:

Up to you. You are allowed to take a 45 minute break in a moving vehicle though.

Provided the other person is driving it of course.

Michael Douglas:
I’m taking a new lad out for a few days to show him some regular runs and have been told he’s driving. With regards to using slot two. Obviously his goes in slot one as usual, but with me being passenger and slot 2 do I just put it in a leave it on other work while he is driving and put them both on break at the same time?

Legally you’re required to record work done whether you’re driving or not so personally I’d use my driver card, unless I could see a significant advantage in not using it of course :smiley:

Put your driver card in slot 2 and it will automatically record POA whenever the vehicle moves, all you have to do is make sure it’s recording other work when the vehicle stops and change it to break when appropriate.

When multi-manning with your driver card in slot 2 the first 45 minutes of POA will be counted as break, presumably you’ll be having breaks at the same time as the other driver so personally I’d put the tachograph slot 2 on break then as-well.

Driver slot 1
As your driver 2 use slot 2.
Driver 2 will NOT show work when vehicle is moving it will default to POA,
When your taking breaks you can just put both modes onto break.
If you switch drivers yes take cards out and swap over.

As for the other comments it’s the way for a company to calculate drivers hours and WTD.
For the OP it’s a way of proving he was at work to make sure he / she gets paid.

Yeah, I was more concerned about getting paid and them having a record of it. Cheers for input guys! :smiley: appreciate the help :sunglasses:

vosa would also see it as a good driver keeping complete records of his work too.