Help with p.m's

Can anyone help me out here ■■ … I have 2 p.m.'s that are stuck in my ‘outbox’ and I can’t see how to make them ‘send’ !!.. Anyone ■■

Are you using a computer or tapatalk app?

Can anyone help me out here ■■ … I have 2 p.m.'s that are stuck in my ‘outbox’ and I can’t see how to make them ‘send’ !!.. Anyone ■■

Maybe they’ve been coned off

Doesn’t that just mean that the recipient hasn’t chosen to look at them yet? :open_mouth:

James the cat:

Can anyone help me out here ■■ … I have 2 p.m.'s that are stuck in my ‘outbox’ and I can’t see how to make them ‘send’ !!.. Anyone ■■

Maybe they’ve been coned off

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

They’ll remain in your outbox until the recipients open them.

James the cat:

Can anyone help me out here ■■ … I have 2 p.m.'s that are stuck in my ‘outbox’ and I can’t see how to make them ‘send’ !!.. Anyone ■■

Maybe they’ve been coned off

Shutupp !! :laughing:

Are you using a computer or tapatalk app?

Laptop…Windows 7.
My computer has been doing some strange things of late…

They’ll remain in your outbox until the recipients open them.

Oh,is that how it works on this board ■■ Just wait to see if the do ‘go’ then,eh ?


My computer has been doing some strange things of late…

Probably not as strange as some of the things seen on Dave’s computer :stuck_out_tongue:

What Evil8Beezle and Contraflow said. They’ve been sent but the recipient hasn’t read them yet.

If for whatever reason you decide you don’t want to send the message after you’ve sent it, while it’s still in your outbox it can still be deleted and they won’t get it. They’ll still get an email telling them they’ve got a PM though even though they haven’t.