Hi am hoping some of you could please give me some tips and advise, I have only been driving a couple of weeks and am multi dropping for a agency in my area,
The problem is I have very little experience and am never finishing my drops and some times missing collections it’s frustrating,
The agency asked how many drops are they giving me I said 7 - 10 they said that’s not to bad
Am having strap down my self and arrange my manifest my self as there is no order at all, am waisting so much time finding drops zigzagging across post codes I know I have start some ware and am hoping this gets easier.
I feel when am getting back with half a load all eyes are on me and the ignorance shows with traffic office, there really is no such thing as kid gloves in this business…
If you are wasting time by criss-crossing then perhaps more time is needed on planning before your start
I found that taking an extra 15 mins on planning mutli drops saved loads of time later
I did hear that sat-navs can be useful as they can be programmed with multiple locations and will then route for you - never used one so perhaps others can help with this
Hi Pete
Multi drop can be a nightmare if your not used to it, used to do multi drop for brakes food service, with 30 + drops a day.best thing to do is sort your manifest in the order you think is ok then ask someone in transport before you leave the depot to check the order, if no 1will or can help group postcodes together then hopefully drops will be closer together.
I think its one of the best type of driving jobs to give you experience quickly. Sometimes it’s better to be in at the deep end.
As has been said, plan your route to avoid backtracking. Your drops will soon start to repeat to the same companies so you’ll save time searching for a business.
Hi, im quite new to driving and do multidrops around the north east, forward planning is the way to do it, plan your route with a decent map (i find it easier then routing them with a sat nav!!) 15-20 mins at the start of your day can save a boat load of time later on At first the problems i had wasnt finding the place but knowing where to go once i had arrived, after you have been the first time you wont forget after that!!
Keep going at it mate, you will be planning your routes around free brews and sarnies before long
I put all my postcodes into this website, findthebestroute.com/RouteFinder.html it optimizes the route for you. But bare in mind it may not provide a suitable route for trucks i.e low bridges and weight limits etc, that’s why i use it in conjunction with a tom tom 5150 truck nav, the mark one eyeball and common sense. However it will put them in some semblance of the correct order.
Hope that helps.
It would be nice if your traffic office perhaps spared you a bot of time and gave you direction as to the order in which they should be done. Everybody is new at some point or other and we all like to have some help along the way.
Aside from this, I would definately agree in so much as that taking 15 or so mins at the start of the day will pay dividends in the long run and will also help you not to get flustered.