Help with job decision

Hi guys.thanks for the replys.the company I’ve thinking of going to my friend is there on the rigids so he can confirm the curtain sider bit.he is telling me the containers get loaded from one of five places and its taken back to hubs for the trampers and trunk was mentioned above iam going to work when the family are sitting to dinner,so although I have 4 days straight it doesn’t feel like quality time as its not with both partner and son,also yous guys will know the experience is priceless.also ment to sat most loads are fork lifted off.

Wheel Nut:
There is no shame driving a small lorry even if you have a licence to drive an Airbus A380, kids family, home life against 15 hour days, half of which you probably don’t get paid for.

Hand balling a full load off a 7.5tonner is far easier than hand balling a full load from a 44tonner.

Some people go to work to get away from the family, some go to work to spend more time with them, it is a balancing act but your kids grow up quick, you will regret missing that.

Been driving “small trucks” All of my working life (Except the official secrets act bit!)
There is no shame in this. I travel thousands of miles a year through stunning scenery. I’m proud to be a “Puddle jumper.” Wouldn’t wanna drag 40 feet of ■■■■■■ behind me for often less dosh. :confused:

Hi guys.thanks for the replys.the company I’ve thinking of going to my friend is there on the rigids so he can confirm the curtain sider bit.he is telling me the containers get loaded from one of five places and its taken back to hubs for the trampers and trunk was mentioned above iam going to work when the family are sitting to dinner,so although I have 4 days straight it doesn’t feel like quality time as its not with both partner and son,also yous guys will know the experience is priceless.also ment to sat most loads are fork lifted off.

Well if you’ve got a mate on there who can confirm the hours the guys work that’s a big help in making your decision. Personally, what I drive is neither here nor there as long as I’m getting enough out of it! Let us know how it goes. Orrabest!

Ta guys ill let yous know in the week if I take it.cheers guys

ive done 4on 4off nights before and to be honest id never do it again, however you will only
know if you do the right job when you finaly give it a go