HELP! We need a minute or five of your time!

The more observant among you will have noticed the addition of a new forum…the USER INFO FORUM…(yes, I know, the name’s a tad on the dodgy side, but it’s the best I can come up with right now - if you think that’s bad, you should have seen what I called it to start with!!! :blush: :open_mouth: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: )

All that is in there is a series of polls, all of which are designed to help us find out who is using the site, so we can make sure that everyone’s needs are catered for - bit of market research, if you like… :wink:

There are 10 in there to start it off…nice basic stuff which you can whip through in less than 5 minutes on broadband (I know this because I did a test run…:grimacing:), and we would REALLY[/i][/b] appreciate it if you could go and do your thing for us… :wink:
We’ll slowly add to the list as we think of more ideas (or just get more nosey! :grimacing:), but rest assured there’ll be a “sticky” like this one every time we do…so keep watching this space! :stuck_out_tongue:
The User Info Forum (going to have to do something about that name… :blush: ) can be found right at the bottom of the list in the Admin Section, just below the Feedback Forum…
…or for the lazy gits amongst you, it’s HERE!!![/i][/b] (No excuse now, look… :sunglasses: )
CHEERS FOLKS!!! :grimacing: :grimacing: :grimacing: