Help to decide. Northamptonshire

I am look for the LGV driving school. I need some help to decide which training school I can choose. I ring them today, and got now some information about courses. I write them down, maybe some one do their license with them. So please put some reviews.

J Coates
Price 1195
assesment price 42
CPC module 2 price 30 and module 4 price 295
dates avaible from 27th May
price for re-test 331 or 450 for 2

Power Drive uk
Price 1375
assesment price 40 but if I decided after assesment to do category C with them they will give me back the 40 (assesment price)
CPC module 2 price 30 and module 4 price 295
dates avaible 22nd of April or middle of May
price for re-test 367

LGV Trainers
Price 1210
assesment price 31
CPC 295
dates avaible from 4th of May
price for re-test 334

Eddie Stobart
Training available only at Widnes.
Any reviews?

Thank you.

Maybe you don’t know I have a location at Peterborough. Full CAT C 1:1 course £1000 including VAT, test and driver cpc.

Price will increase for bookings made after end April. Bookings made by the end of April are at the price above regardless of when the course takes place.

Hope this helps, Pete :laughing: :laughing:

You must also ask what is included in the price:

Such as

How many hours training are you paying for

Is it on a 1-1 basis

Is the price subject to an assessment drive ( you could be paying for extra training hours you don’t need)

Just something extra to think about.

Paul :smiley:

Peter Smythe is very good price, but I living Wellingborough so thats about 35 miles away form Peterborough. But I will think about your school. I want decide finally end of this week.

elmet training I forget write that’s 4 day’s training 4 hours per day. I dont know what’s mean “1-1 basis”

Thank you

I dont know what’s mean “1-1 basis”

Thank you

Just you and the instructor in the truck. Some schools have 2 pupils training at the same time so for half the time you are watching the other one drive.


Just for the record up here in yorkshire

Price £1150 (16 hours)
Assessment £30 (will be refunded if book training)
Module 4 £230
Dates available end of April
Price for re-test £355 (very rarely needed)

Based on C training on a 1-1 basis

Hope this gives you another comparison

Paul :smiley:

elmet training:
Price for re-test £355 (very rarely needed)

This one :smiley:

Thank you for explain what mean 1:1

I did my cat. C and C+E with Peter Smythe. I can easy recommend to every one who want be a professional driver.