Help required

Help required
Been offered a job with Deben,Hanburys phoned me saturday and also offered me a job.I worked for Hanburys on a good contract,but have been offered a job on a ■■■■ contract

Deben £330 basic 50 hrs guarenteed then £9 an hour
£25 a week dinner money tax free, £20 night out will only probably get 2-3 at the moment as its fairly quiet
3 weeks accrued holiday a year(basic money)I can only take the paid holiday ONCE I have accrued it
Get a M.A.N tga which im used to. (56 mph)
its about 7 minutes closer than Hanburys. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hanbury £325 basic +100 bonus guarenteed for however many hours
£22 night out which i will get 4 virtually everyweek.
Running 45’ boxes for ECS dealing with belgium office,most of which will be self tip with a pallet truck,they want you max out on hrs and prefer for you to run in Saturday(heard its ■■■■■■■ awful)
4 weeks holiday paid on your average earnings for the previous 6 weeks not on night out money just basic+bonus
Get £50 for keeping to fuel tagets and £50 for no sick days every 3 months
a fuel bonus every 6 months(the fuel you save they split 50/50 depending how economically you drive vehicle)
A RENAULT PREMIUM restricted to 52 mph :unamused: :unamused: (oh its an 05 plate)
& 7 minutes further away than Debens.

Im set on Debens,but would like to know which you would choose.
I hate dillemas

errrr 3 weeks holiday i thought legal min was 3 week ex bank hols and its available at anytime not untill accrude but i may have miss read the rules id got for hanbury

Self tip a container with a pallet truck?

Thats not allowed.
You are not insured in the back of a container.

its 3 weeks + bank holidays
Hanburys is 3 + bank holidays but from january will be classed as my second year so you then get 4 + bank holidays

Self tip a container with a pallet truck?

Thats not allowed.
You are not insured in the back of a container.

Apparently ECS give you a pallet truck to tip,not on all occasions but quite a few.
Thats what i’ve been told by 3 of the drivers who’ve been on the contract.
Also there are apparently belgium drivers who are on the contract running illegally,so that is why ECS are pushing the British drivers to perform :angry: :angry:

Deben’s, without a doubt.

ecs only push you if you let them or if you boss takes on jobs that push you the guys your on about are running the red magnums and volvos with 4 axle trailers ecs are normally self tip alot of aldi and lidl tip times usually about an hour and is usually pallets

I know a subby on ECS you only have to self tip at Lidls with an electric barrow.

If you go on ECS for Hanbury you’ll have to learn Polish to speak to your workmates (taking 20 poles for ECS contract)

Go to Deben


Didn’t stay away long did ya :wink: :laughing:

hanbury want you to max out on hours every week and run in saturday, i feel sure that you will be over the 48 hours average unless you are required to cheat with the POA’s.

i haven’t done containers for many a year but when i did it was against company policy to unload or assist in unloading, although there were a few occassions when i felt sorry for the peeps at the delivery point (only when the work was light weight) especially when it was one kid on their own tipping the whole lot.

I voted Deben. :slight_smile:

Ive never understood Hanbury, how can some one be given a Premium 05 when they have TGA XXL 05 and Mega 05, when you spend the same amount of time away?? I know its not all about the truck, but seems unfair, it not like its in the same league, this isnt why i voted Deben though.
I do like Hanbury’s new livery though. :sunglasses:

Go where you think your be the most happy.

Ill be quiet now :blush:

north surrey haulage:
I know a subby on ECS you only have to self tip at Lidls with an electric barrow.

If you go on ECS for Hanbury you’ll have to learn Polish to speak to your workmates (taking 20 poles for ECS contract)

Go to Deben


Didn’t stay away long did ya :wink: :laughing:

Cheers sean,steelwork aint working out
They’re like a bunch of office girls the blokes i work with,so will be going back to working by myself(thats how i like it) :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Could of done with a few more months till little un born and sorted,but cant put up with it any longer :unamused:

mad it depends what dealer locally can provide to the budget looks like renault came up with a better quote in southhampton

I voted Deben. :slight_smile:

Ive never understood Hanbury, how can some one be given a Premium 05 when they have TGA XXL 05 and Mega 05, when you spend the same amount of time away?? I know its not all about the truck, but seems unfair, it not like its in the same league, this isnt why i voted Deben though.
I do like Hanbury’s new livery though. :sunglasses:

Go where you think your be the most happy.

Ill be quiet now :blush:

The only reason Hanburys in Southampton have renaults is cause Renault is over the road,everybody there is up in arms,and blokes are leaving as the 52 reg MANs will be going in a month or so,and many others will probably go.A bit unfair when like you say Felix have Mercs and DAFs and XXLs and all the other depots,and Southampton get Renaults
But the TM aint shifting on the matter, French trucks it is,and thats that

Definitely Deben!

I know a bloke who used to work for HD, and they don’t sound great to me from what he’s told me.

Definitely Deben!

I know a bloke who used to work for HD, and they don’t sound great to me from what he’s told me.

HD pay superbly if you can get on the rag-siders, like Jacuzzi at Bradford for example.

Rob K:

Definitely Deben!

I know a bloke who used to work for HD, and they don’t sound great to me from what he’s told me.

HD pay superbly if you can get on the rag-siders, like Jacuzzi at Bradford for example.

Sorry Rob - I don’t mean the pay, the bloke I knew had no complaints about the money - and he was on containers.

His gripes was that if you didn’t do x miles per gallon, they’d not pay you a bonus, or if somebody scratched the truck - it was your fault unless you had hard evidence to prove otherwise.

He’s also told me that you had to park up where they said, so they knew you hadn’t gone home for the night :wink:

Just sounded like a very ‘controlling’ company. I suppose that’s why they seem relatively successful. He had no complaints with regard to the money or the kit.

I suppose I just like working for a firm that haven’t got a clue where you are. And if they ring up and ask you - and you tell them the truth - they’re still none the wiser :laughing:

Deben - if only to stay away from the dreaded Lidl.

But also because Hanbury don’t seem to run quite pukka to me.

Salut, David.

I voted Deben. :wink: :smiley:
All the best for Monday bikemonkey.
:smiley: :smiley:

Self tip a container with a pallet truck?

Thats not allowed.
You are not insured in the back of a container.

You are on Short Sea, which ECS is (as are we), along with Geest etc.

Short Sea and Deep Sea containers are - and always have been - 2 totally different ball games. The similarity starts and ends with the twistlocks.

sorry pal but i dont understand the point of the question…

you said good things about deban and a load of bad things about hanburys :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sounds to me like your mind is already made up.

good luck with your start at debans.