Help! Ref 45 yr Medical, eyesight standards

Just had my 45yr old medical. I passed it with flying colours, however the DVLA form has given me a problem.

Form D47 and D750, Question 2 eyesight, part c.
Do I need to wear glasses to meet the legal eyesight standard. etc
answer either yes or no.

The problem I have is that I can pass the requirement for 6/9 or 6/12 with glasses on.
I can also pass the requirement for 3/60 without glasses.
Which one is the Legal Eyesight Standard?

What’s the problem? I wear glasses and need them all the time. Part of your medical is sight related, or should be; so if you are passed by the quack, surely that answers your question. Or am I missing something, as usual? :confused: :confused:

Sorry MATE ( :laughing: ), you’ve missed it.
Which of the two standards is the Legal Standard?

The one which I can pass, only if I wear my specs. ie My answer will be- Yes, I do need to wear specs, to pass the legal standard.


The one which I can pass without my specs. ie My answer will be- No, I do not need to wear specs, to pass the legal standard.

Clear as mud, I know. Which is the cause of the problem.

But Simon, surely if you passed your Medical without the Quack telling you that you need to have your Eyes tested by an optician, then the answer will be No you dont need to wear glasses.

If you were referred to an optician who states you need glasses for driving then the answer is yes, personally what do you do when driving? either you wear glasses or you dont so that should give you a good idea for your answer.

Obviously if you’ve been told in the past to wear specs for driving then you know the answer.

But at the end of the Day, as a matter of course, tou should be getting your eyes tested every couple of years anyway, not just for an HGV Medical, a stitch in time etc etc etc

I need to wear specs for driving and had an eye test recently. I’me still not clear which of the eye tests is the required Legal Standard■■?
:blush: :blush: :blush:

I need to wear specs for driving

I think that answers the part of the question about what to put on the form… :unamused: :wink: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Not really Lucy.

I have to apply for a new, photo card licence.

If I tick the box for yes meaning- I need specs to pass the 6/9, 6/12 standard and they think I need specs to pass the 3/60 test. I may lose my licence :exclamation:

If I tick the box for no meaning- I don’t need specs to pass the 3/60 standard and they think I don’t need specs to pass the 6/9, 6/12, I get to keep my licence. But, I leave myself liable to be prosecuted for giving false info to a Government Agency :exclamation:

I need to know which of the two standards is the Legal Standard required.

Hello Simon,

You should tick YES!!

I went through all this lark a year ago. I couldn’t pass the eyesight test for LGV due to being very shortsighted. As you know, unlike an ordinary car licence, you need a better level of vision for LGV, i.e. you need to have a certain level of vision WITHOUT glasses even if you normally wear them for driving etc. I believe this is the 3/60 (I don’t have any of the DVLA stuff to hand at present) which I think roughly equates with the first line on the standard eye chart. You have to be VERY shortsighted not to be able to read this - I had to have laser eye surgery!! When you went for your medical the doc would have tested you with and without glasses with one hand over each eye. If you passed this test then you have no problems with the DVLA. Ticking YES is correct (that’s what I ticked). Fact is the doc has put in the results of your eye test on the pink medical form which should tell the DVLA medical people your standard of vision both with and without glasses. It is quite ok to be wearing glasses for driving LGV’s as long as your vision is such that you could safely bring the vehicle to a stop if you glasses were to fall off whilst driving! I understand that is the basis for the regulations which I think was a compromise piece of regulation brought in some years ago in a compromise to the proposed legislation to require all LGV drivers to be able to drive WITHOUT glasses, which would of course have put tens or thousands of drivers off the road!

I think you are reading too much into the question (no offence mate) - if you tick YES you are telling them you need to wear glasses to drive but your eyesight is upto the required standard (with and without glasses) because your Doctor has stated this fact on the medical form.

Hope this helps if not a little long winded!!


(I don’t have any of the DVLA stuff to hand at present)

dvla eyesight rules are here

Just got the wife some new glasses…what do ya think…■■?

Should have gone to Spec Savers

Cheers Tom and Denis. That was what I needed to know. The doc has put my test results on the pink form for the 45yr medical. It was the question on the other 2 forms for my photo licence, that I was concerned about.

Thanks again guys.