Help please.

Can the sulphites that they put in cider and other bevvies,churn away the stomach lining,saw the quack,no joy,it is like being hit in the stomach,had it for 2 weeks,and the lower back has gone in to spasms,he did not look at that either,as was too tired from driving and answering his private mobile phone while yawning at Mr Toby Carvery.Some Donald Duck he was.

Im pretty sure frosty jacks will rot your stomach lining :laughing:
still £3.50 for 3 litres of 7.5% booze :grimacing:

Backed off the coffee`s too,that dont help either,banned from Red Bulls too.

Backed off the coffee`s too,that dont help either,banned from Red Bulls too.

No more Jägerbombs for you then

Yeah cider especially if its proper cider will keep that stomach lining nice and clean, you’ve only got to put a copper coin in cider and its clean in 5 mins.

Can the sulphites that they put in cider and other bevvies,churn away the stomach lining,saw the quack,no joy,it is like being hit in the stomach,had it for 2 weeks,and the lower back has gone in to spasms,he did not look at that either,as was too tired from driving and answering his private mobile phone while yawning at Mr Toby Carvery.Some Donald Duck he was.

Sounds bad to me driver , either see the quack when hes in a better state of mind or try Strongbow . just bhaving one myself as it appens mmmm,

Can the sulphites that they put in cider and other bevvies,churn away the stomach lining,saw the quack,no joy,it is like being hit in the stomach,had it for 2 weeks,and the lower back has gone in to spasms,he did not look at that either,as was too tired from driving and answering his private mobile phone while yawning at Mr Toby Carvery.Some Donald Duck he was.

Hmmmm? Wonder why they call it rotgut?? :smiley:

Had problems with my stomach for years, popped Zantac like smarties. If you are bleeding from your stomach your crap (motions) will be black. Like you have been on the Guinness, signs of an ulcer .Alternatively you can or could have gastric- reflux where the acid from your stomach burns your oesophagus (on the top of your stomach) burns like ■■■■! Either way its normally a probe up the aris or the wind pipe. Scary stuff, of which I freely admitt I aint got the bottle for.

Had the camera down the stomach,get gassed out for that,found a tear in the upper part,worn out reflux part.