Hi all. sorry if this thread has been posted hundreds of times before. I live in nottinghamshire and have booked my class 2 training and test for february (training 6/7/8th test 11th) i have a job sorted so desperately need to pass. i’ve only ever driven a 7.5T before and that was only once. Can someone please give me pointers as to what to expect (both training and test) as i’m getting a little nervous now. Thanks rog for your info on the bottom of your posts. Been scouting around on here for a few weeks. Does anyone know if there is a DVD as to what expect of the test ?
Many thanks

Welcome ollie44 :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Does anyone know if there is a DVD as to what expect of the test

don’t think there is one :frowning:

ive been scouting the net for a dvd and can’t find one. I know the test is about an hour of driving ? are there any set manouvers (sp) like when i did my car test ?

try these links. … altest.htm

if you can ( or even if you cant ) this book is a must have, it explain everthing about the test with pictures and a load of essential info, your local library might have one, but i would buy it as it always handy to have. … 535&sr=8-1

ope this helps, and good luck with your training. :smiley:

ive been scouting the net for a dvd and can’t find one. I know the test is about an hour of driving ? are there any set manouvers (sp) like when i did my car test ?

like this…