Help needed with a thread

I was looking at a thread over the weekend that contained pics of a container haulier in Wakefield. The firm in question was Sanmar. I got talking to one of the lads at work today about it, and he said he used to work there. So I told him I’d send him a link so he could look at them, but the missus has cleared the pc :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: and now I cant find the thread. If anyone can remember posting it, or looking at it I’d appreciate it if you could let me know where to find it.

Cheers guys and gals

Jase … ght=sanmar

Is this the one you are looking forβ– β– ? :laughing:

Is it this: … out64.html

Cheers guys. That was the one Semtex, thanks m8