Mrs Mutt says there is nothing to worry about apaarently he is a healthy and vibrant young boy HOWEVER there is a histiry in my family of diabetes ( my mother and one brother) and in her family there is a history of calcium deficiency, so im going to take the law in to my own hands and take him to be checked out but SHhhh dont tell her…
How is your lad Jammy. OK I hope.
My son is 5 in Feb and he is constantly hungry can any mor eexperianced parents help me here is this naturalor just greed?.
He has ceral for breakfast then usually a snack afterwards he has a fairly decent lunch and a good dinner but he just seems to always be hungry he is not fat at all.
Is this just a phase or does it happen to all kids?, and will it ever stop?.
Doesn’t sound quite right to me, I’ve got 2 children, but then I am not a doctor. Does he have any other indicators like poor concentration, hyper active, raging thirst etc? Does he prefer certain foods to others? I.E. crisps rather than sandwiches, pop to water, chocolate to fruit. Is he active or lethargic? Has he gone through a growth spurt?
Our cat, no I’m not a vet either, has just been diagnosed with a Thyroid condition which can affect appetite.
If your son is otherwise healthy, and his manner hasn’t dramatically changed I’d see if this behaviour peters out over the next couple of weeks, he may be reflecting the increased eating of many people over the past 2 weeks. If there is no change then a visit to your doctor would probably be wise and reassuring.
As easy as it is for me to say try not to get things out of proportion there will probably be a simple, rational explanation.
does he have an excessive thirst or eat a lot , or crave very sweet things is he never still, does he run rather than walk all the time
do you have trouble with him sleeping
when you have answered these I’ll have more of an idea (A MOTHERS IDEA THAT IS)
i have a 14 yr old & 16 yr old they are always hungry and always have been at 5 my eldest had a cooked brekfast then lunch a large meal at night, then she was very active swam 3 times a week did gymnastics 2 wk, my son was the same, no they werent fat just enegetic
mrs mix:
does he have an excessive thirst or eat a lot , or crave very sweet things is he never still, does he run rather than walk all the time
do you have trouble with him sleeping
when you have answered these I’ll have more of an idea (A MOTHERS IDEA THAT IS)
Yes to almost all BUT he doesnt run much but the rest are right , he is very active.
He just wants to eat and drink constantly and yes he wnats sweets and crisps all the time
he was our first and OH YES we spoilt him.
He is up once or twice in the night wanting food and a drink.
I would take him to see your G.P. tell him or her everything, a couple of simple test’s can rule out a lot of things and if it’s nothing thats good but if there is something wrong then it’s better to know and don’t feel your wasting your G.P’s time at the end of the dayyou have concerns and they’re the only people that can help.
I’d back Pam up here Jammy. Go and see your doctor. It may be nothing but your son may have an aversion to food additives, in which case a strict control of his diet, or even diabetes (like my wife) another indicator here is how often he needs to visit the loo (because of all the fluid being drunk). In any event knowing is better than not because you then take back control for your sons condition.
A friend of mine has a daughter with diabetes. Do get them checked out, then at least, if nothing comes back, you know it’s not something medical.