Help i think i have done something wrong!

I did a job I started at 17.40 so my break would be at 22.10 but I got to where I was going at 21.10 to find out that I am not booked in intill 22.00 so told me to find somewhere to park up but by the time it took me to get out and back I was almost time for my break it was now 22.00 just to be told we don’t want you in this bit can you go right round one-way system and go in bit just be hind you you are not allowed to reverse so if I go by this time I have gone over 22.15 it was 22.47 by the Time I got a break hope I have not bored you thanks

Your break would only be due at 2210 if you had used 4.5 hours of driving time, so you may not have gone over unless you did the full 4.5 hours as driving

Your break would be needed after 6 hours work so 23:40. You are maybe getting confused with doing over your driving time of 4.5 hours but that’s actual driving time and not time you were on shift.
Unless you were driving constantly from starting your shift I doubt you have anything to worry about.
If you had a digital tacho it would also have been flashing at you warning you were close to going over the time.

Here’s what it says on print out:
17.37-17.46 doing other work 00h09
17.46-21.16 driving 03h30
21.16 - 21.20 doing other work 00h04
21.20 -22.22 driving 01h02
22.22 - 22.24 break 00h02 fort I was but got to move
22.24 -22.27 driving 00h03
22.27 -22.30 doing other work 00h03
22.30 - 22.47 driving 00h17
22.47 -23.35 break 0048
23.35 - 00.00 driving 00h25

00.00 -03.07 driving 3h07
03.07 -03.17 doing other work 00h06
03.13 -03.24 driving 00h11
03.24 - 03.28 doing other work 00h04
03.28 - 03.32 driving 00h04
Finished shift

Is this ok

No,you did 4h52 driving without a break.

What happens now then will I get a fine

What happens now then will I get a fine

Yes,expect a brown envelope from the DVSA very soon,£500 for first offence presuming it is your first offence.

If that panicked you a bit then maybe you should take the time to learn and understand the rules/law and make time for your breaks…no offence fella btw,oh and no fine either unless you get pulled by DVSA and they are collecting for their Xmas ■■■■ up. :smiley: :wink: :smiling_imp:

Why did you go for a drive for over 1 hour after you arrived early where were you I’m sure my employer wouldn’t want me going for a sightseeing tour while waiting for entrance to get tipped

If nothing else, always know your booking in time, then you can plan around it.

Thanks for all your help.
I am a agency worker how do I get my card down-loaded

DVSA cannot fine you unless they catch you on the same day - so as long as this is your only issue the most you can get now is a verbal warning.

Each operator you drive for should download your card. It’s not your responsibility you just have to make your card available.

However - if you’re going to continue as an agency driver you really need to get your head round the rules.

DVSA cannot fine you unless they catch you on the same day - so as long as this is your only issue the most you can get now is a verbal warning.

Who told you that? :smiley:


DVSA cannot fine you unless they catch you on the same day - so as long as this is your only issue the most you can get now is a verbal warning.

Who told you that? :smiley:

Nobody told me that - I read the rules. :wink:

Check the DVSA enforcement sanctions policy. This is the official policy document for DVSA officers. Check page 94 and it gives you the exact answers.

It’s all about infrequent or regular offences.

Page 9 also states :

"For the time being it is not possible to deal with offences committed prior to the date of inspection by the issue of fixed penalty notices. Any cases involving numerous previous offences will be followed up and reported to the Traffic Commissioner. The most serious offences will be reported for prosecution. When further legislation comes into force it will be possible to deal with such offences by the issue of fixed penalty notices. "

So if previous offence are found then whilst they can’t give you anything other then warning , they are reported to TC who might not want to share tea and biccies!

Jesus help me, this is hurting my head!