Help and Advice on Cars

For all you amateur mechanics out there, or indeed any professionals that may be able to help.


1993 1.4 Vauxhall Corsa will not run smoothly at low speed and low engine revs, eg, when approaching lights or a junction the car is very jerky and will not slow down and pick up smoothly as if it were misfiring but it is’nt. I have done all the obvious like check the Plugs, leads, etc.

I suspect it may be fuel system related or even clutch, but i think if it were clutch or thrust bearing it would tend to slip, which it does not.

Can anyone help or has experienced the same problem? all advice and help appreciated.

my father in law had a similar problem on his 1.4 corsa.
ie, when he backed of the gas the car would seem to pick up a bit of speed and it ran a little rough.
the problem was traced to the airfow meter i think.

Is it injection or carburettor? If injection, is the engine management warning light on,either permanently or intermittently? If so, it could possibly be the crankshaft position (t.d.c.) sensor or its wiring thats at fault. Has the fuel filter been changed recently?

If carburettor,again check fuel filter. If you look on the side of the carb there is what looks like a small brake servo with a thin plastic vacuum pipe going to it.This is basically a damper controlled by engine vacuum. Inside it is a thin rubber diaphragm which sometimes splits. Easy way to check this is ■■■■ down the pipe and see if the servo operates.You can also take the top off the carb to see if there is any water or dirt in the float chamber. If I remember correctly,there is also a fine plastic filter in the fuel inlet pipe on the carb.

Good luck,let us know how you get on :wink: :wink:

Thanks Guy’s, I’ll go and have a play, will let you know how I get on.

i assum no answer sinc march 4th he still playing with it? :open_mouth: