Help a young blood out??

Hi guys and gals,

After trying for ages now I just cant find any work and no luck with the agencies I’m going to give it a try on here, just like Adam did :wink: . If the company you work for has any Class 2/7.5 tonne/van work available, then please could you pass on my information to your bosses/transport managers.

I’m a 22 year old Class C Driver and have held my licence for 5 months. I’m looking for full/part time work within the Midlands area, however am at the stage where I’m willing to travel anywhere for the work if I can get it. Nights out and night shifts are not a problem for me as I am very flexible. I’m willing to work weekends.

I would also be interested in going out with anyone as a second man if you run your own fleet/vehicle/the company you work for would allow passengers and you wouldn’t mind someone sitting beside you just to soak up some knowledge from you and pass on your worldy wisdom.

I’m quick to learn and hence new skills and different roles and challenges are something I would love to get stuck into. I have a ITSSAR Hi-Ab certification and I also have a Digi Tacho card.

Work references can be supplied if you would like, as well as a CV.

If you would like to give me a chance then please feel free to pm me for contact number, or E-Mail me at



If you want to add ‘you’ll be lucky comments’, knock yourselves out with it, I don’t mind ‘banter’ from you lot, I’ll use it productively to eventually prove you wrong, in a nice way I mean :exclamation:

[Yes I stole the template from Adam and changed it, purely because it was a good format, and I gave him a lead which eventually found out was filled but the thought was there so think of it as a swap]

i should do the same if im not succesful on monday lol.
cant wait for september, 2 years on class 2 :smiley:

It might ■■■■ some folk off seeing another ‘any jobs going’ thread, but I’ve pretty much contacted every haulage/ truck firm in the area, when jobs are avdertised near or far I apply for them, and the agencies are willing/able to get me anything. If I sit on my arse and do nothing, I won’t find a job, I can’t get a break because alot of the jobs advertised get pulled due to such high amount of applicants, companies won’t take you on as they maybe in precarious financial positions and people will knock me for being a newbie advertising myself trying to get a foot on the ladder, good old catch 22 situation like us new guys are used to :unamused:

go for it and sell yourself its a good idea as long as everyone doe’snt post the same. :wink:

jessicas dad:
go for it and sell yourself its a good idea as long as everyone doe’snt post the same. :wink:

I thought he was lookin for class 2 work not ummm prostitution work :blush: :blush: i need to get beter at this lol
:smiley: :smiley:
All the best anyway and good luck in finding a job! im so glad im in school i have such a easy life :laughing: :unamused:


jessicas dad:
go for it and sell yourself its a good idea as long as everyone doe’snt post the same. :wink:

I thought he was lookin for class 2 work not ummm prostitution work :blush: :blush: i need to get beter at this lol
:smiley: :smiley:
All the best anyway

If it got me some money and some action, don’t knock it till you try it :unamused:

Have you tried stobarts, suttons, hoyer, saint,
shirley transport, birds, sitra,to name a few,
they can only say yes or no.



jessicas dad:
go for it and sell yourself its a good idea as long as everyone doe’snt post the same. :wink:

I thought he was lookin for class 2 work not ummm prostitution work :blush: :blush: i need to get beter at this lol
:smiley: :smiley:
All the best anyway

If it got me some money and some action, don’t knock it till you try it :unamused:

it was on our news that a 15 year old girl had been caught at protisitution working for an ■■■■■■ service in newcastle and over 2 months she had 8 grand. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

no joke for a grand a week if anybody wants to get between my fat cheeks they are welcomed to. :open_mouth:

jessicas dad:
no joke for a grand a week if anybody wants to get between my fat cheeks they are welcomed to. :open_mouth:

COME ON ALEX! i was eating when i read that! now im put off my pizza, wonder what clare would say if she read that! :laughing:

nice image pal

jessicas dad:



jessicas dad:
go for it and sell yourself its a good idea as long as everyone doe’snt post the same. :wink:

I thought he was lookin for class 2 work not ummm prostitution work :blush: :blush: i need to get beter at this lol
:smiley: :smiley:
All the best anyway

If it got me some money and some action, don’t knock it till you try it :unamused:

it was on our news that a 15 year old girl had been caught at protisitution working for an ■■■■■■ service in newcastle and over 2 months she had 8 grand. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

no joke for a grand a week if anybody wants to get between my fat cheeks they are welcomed to. :open_mouth:

oh god what a nice nice though :blush: :blush: … dTxW5xsq_A
she made 14,000 in 2 months :open_mouth:

Not my part of the world, and we only operate artics but I’ll stop by anyway to wish you good luck!

Yes, it is a difficult time for finding work. But it can be found.

I would suggest you pack your licence, night-out gear, the lot into the boot of your car and have a drive round one Monday morning about 10 o’clock when the office staff have settled in, stopping in at every yard where you see something parked up that you could drive.

Tell them you are available to start now.

You might make twenty fruitless calls- although everybody will take a copy of your contact details if you print that out beforehand- but sooner or later you will stumble across a a haulier who is panicking because old Fred has gone off sick and there is an urgent load to be delivered, then Bob’s your uncle! Out of the gate you go, crunching gears like it’s going out of fashion.

Again, good luck!

so how much would i be able to make in this new industry of male ■■■■■■ :blush: :wink:

For what it’s worth, I think things are starting to pick up. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve seen a few HGV jobs advertised (not agency I may add) which is in complete contrast to the lack of any in January and only a couple of non-existent agency tarting ones in December.

Give it another month and the agencies should start picking up a bit - after all, even the drivers who do have work will have a holiday at some point this year. :smiley:

I’ve treated the last 3 months without driving work as my “7 year itch” period so when I do go back, I’ll feel more enthusiastic about it.

Yes, this is always a quiet time of year and although it won’t go back to 2006 levels, work will start markedly picking up again in early March.

so how much would i be able to make in this new industry of male ■■■■■■ :blush: :wink:

I would tend to think alot this time of year, supply and demand most of them pack up for winter to cold to hang on the end of streets
:blush: :blush: :blush:

jessicas dad:
it was on our news that a 15 year old girl had been caught at protisitution working for an ■■■■■■ service in newcastle and over 2 months she had 8 grand. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

no joke for a grand a week if anybody wants to get between my fat cheeks they are welcomed to. :open_mouth:

No offence, but the Law of Supply and Demand suggests to me that your lilywhite arse may not have quite the earnings potential of that 15-y-o girl. :wink:

jessicas dad:



jessicas dad:
go for it and sell yourself its a good idea as long as everyone doe’snt post the same. :wink:

I thought he was lookin for class 2 work not ummm prostitution work :blush: :blush: i need to get beter at this lol
:smiley: :smiley:
All the best anyway

If it got me some money and some action, don’t knock it till you try it :unamused:

it was on our news that a 15 year old girl had been caught at protisitution working for an ■■■■■■ service in newcastle and over 2 months she had 8 grand. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

no joke for a grand a week if anybody wants to get between my fat cheeks they are welcomed to. :open_mouth:

Ok, I’ll take the job. How many times do I have to get between those fat cheeks? :wink:

I know its hard out here , our work said at a meeting we had last week they were down 50% on last year.
Having said that there was a job advertised near me at a company called Bakers waste in Leicester ,
I think its called leicester road , on Pheonix Park :question: , they do waste collection in dustcarts from commercial premises. I dont know if they still have vacancy’s but they have a high driver turnover because of the landfill factor , I supopose all our stomachs are getting a little stronger in this time.

I know some other places used to take full time agency drivers like J coates in Leicester , they use lots of van and 7.5 t , but Like I said , Its been a few months since i last heard anything. Might be looking soon if our stuff doesnt kick in soon. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:
Good Luck

I have to agree with what Harry says, you’ve got to just keep going round hauliers, but don’t just visit them once, go back after a few weeks. Things might have changed and they’ll realise you are keen. There are some hauliers who realise a keen new driver is better than an old hand who really doesn’t care about the job or truck.

It’s how I got my first start in haulage, but it seemed to be ages between passing my test and somebody being so desperate that they let me loose with a truck. The first job was in a 17 tonne, but after that they rang every time they needed a driver. :smiley: