
So after lurking on here for the last couple of months i finally decided to sign up after passing my C yesterday with Big Wheelers in Cardiff. Just got to do my cpc then good to go , original plan was to just use my C just as a stepping stone and move on straight to my C+E but after a bit of thought i’ve decided that 6~12 months C driving will do me the world of good and better prepare me for the proper big stuff. So hello it’s nice to be here :grimacing:

Welcome Ecclesred and congrats on passing :wink:

Nothing at all wrong with getting some Class 2 work under your belt,all good experience as they say…

Welcome to the forum pal, and if you’ve seen a few of the threads I’ve done on the main forum, you’ll see I’m in the same boat and a few weeks in to Class 2 driving. And I can tell you this; so far you haven’t learnt much of what is to come by doing some lessons and a test. But don’t let that put you off as you need to rise to the challenge! :smiley: But you’ll face some challenging situations, and what you should do is take your time and not rush, which is easier said and done when your holding up other traffic. So i’d advise you to not give a ■■■■ about people waiting, when you start out driving without a co-pilot, and the lack of one of those felt funny the first day! :laughing:

Best of luck pal & if you don’t know. ASK! :grimacing: