Hello from a new/old member

Hi all, after a few years of being a very infrequent poster on Trucknet (due to a terribly slow laptop that took 10 mins to post a message) I will be contributing my 8 penneths worth from now on now I finally have a new PC and broadband. I currently work for Torfaen council, bins mainly occaisionlaly sweepers but have done trolley work with Tesco Chepstow and a bit of Gen Haulage.
Anyway, you have been warned :smiling_imp:

Jolly good!!

Looking forward to hearing more from out of your neck of the woods :wink:

Good to have you back… any good at diaries? you must have some amusing tales off the bins.

I would love to write diary CM but all I could write about in my job is either seriously miserable loader who have been with the council 30+ years or idle agency loaders (to be fair who can blame them for minimum wage). I am going to start Sat/Sun shifts for Asda soon so perhaps I will have some stories then.