Hello everyone!

Hey, I haven’t been on this site for ages! Thought I’d pop back on and say hello.

Currently working for Maritime out of Southampton been here since feb this year and all in all not a bad job, good pay for sitting around watching films and driving!

Can’t believe I let this site go after this site got me my LGV license!

So how are you all doing?


Always welcome back…by the way it your round in the pub !

How Maritime ?

Yeah good thanks! Like i say mostly sitting around and watching films and telly. Seems to be a tad quiet at the moment, but other drivers keep telling me that it shall pick up soon, but getting about a fair bit which is what I like prefer to be up the road rather then local while tramping.

As it’s quiet I’ll get a round in then [THUMBS UP SIGN][THUMBS UP SIGN]