Hello everybody

Hello people, I’m Gary a new forum member,
I have been looking round for a week or three and thought it about time I said hi, I currently drive an 8 wheeler tipper muck shifting and quarry work, I’m heading in to hospital next week and will be off work for a few weeks so I might be on here a bit lol

Hope the hospital visit is not too serious, I can arrange for the Town Mayor to make a bed side visit.

Hello people, I’m Gary a new forum member,
I have been looking round for a week or three and thought it about time I said hi, I currently drive an 8 wheeler tipper muck shifting and quarry work, I’m heading in to hospital next week and will be off work for a few weeks so I might be on here a bit lol

good look with hospital hope all go,s well :slight_smile:

Hi Gary, hope all goes well at hospital.
Now then tippers you say, the speeding, tailgating and how not to park in a layby on the opposite side of the road threads may be usefull… :wink: Just kidding welcome to the forum.

Hi Gary and good luck with things :smiley:

I currently drive an 8 wheeler tipper… I’m heading in to hospital next week…

To have another brain cell put in? :laughing:

Welcome to the forum Gary.

Sorry Gary I never asked (probably not ■■■■■■ enough), but what are you havin done at hospital, minor OP or major stuff.

Apologies if its personal but spill the beans…

Edit: We may have scared Gary off… :wink:


I currently drive an 8 wheeler tipper… I’m heading in to hospital next week…

To have another brain cell put in? :laughing:

Welcome to the forum Gary.

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

We may have scared Gary off…

Another one bites the dust.

Welcome to the forum Gary

All the best for your visit to the repair shop.