Hello and should I do it?

Hi all,

Been a member for a month or so, just generally browsing the forum and having the odd chuckle to myself but thought it was about time I introduced myself.

I live in good old ■■■■■■■ and I’m currently trying to decide what to do with myself career wise. Growing up, all I ever wanted to do was drive a truck. Nothing could make me change my mind about that and I mean absolutely nothing. So I’m mid 30s now and it never happened, clearly something went wrong!

I have a trade which tbh I can’t stand and do it begrudgingly, when I have to. I’ve also been a Branch manager for a few of the big names but I can’t stand that either. So I’m currently not working after quitting my last management position, with no plan except maybe finally doing my test. Oh and doing the odd job related to my trade when someone twists my arm hard enough.

So that’s what brought me to this forum. And there’s my predicament… Reading some of the posts on here, I’m now almost convinced I don’t want to go anywhere near anything bigger than my van!

Is it really worth spending all that money to then be faced with having to go to an agency, maybe getting some work through them, maybe not? Maybe getting a chance somewhere on the books, but most likely not? I also get the impression that the powers that be seem to want to do everything they can to stop drivers driving? And the pay doesn’t seem much better than filling shelves for Asda nightshift for what I consider to be a skilled job?

It just doesn’t seem that great a career move? But I really want to do it :confused:

So that’s the rant done and dusted, now another question. If I do go for it, I’m considering Nithcree for my training, who are actually just over the border in Dumfries. Does anyone have any experience with them, or any other recommendations? I will be starting from scratch, so class 2, class 1 and all the other stuff you have to do these days.


There are so many options in haulage for you to consider. Do you want to be home every night? Can you stand up for yourself? Are you OK with being on the road with all the other idiots? Can you handle stress because this job is stressful at times. The list goes on but, whilst that might not paint a pretty picture there are jobs out there that would suit what you want.

Want to be home every night and get in shape as well as practicing reversing then try food produce delivery, it’s hard graft but the pay is decent.

Want to be away from people then try tramping, you’ll see the country and visit places you’ve never thought too visit. You’ll have your own cab (mostly, depends on firm) and it’s a bit more relaxed.

Once you’ve got some experience under your belt then you can try for more specialist stuff, low loaders, car transporters, exhibition and touring, the list is endless.

While many paint a doom and gloom picture, if you asked them if they would change jobs, many wouldn’t. There are very few jobs where you can take a break and there is nothing your employer can say or do to try and stop you. Once your time is up, it’s up.

I’m only 25, passed my C in 2014 and my C+E in May but only been driving artics for almost 2 weeks but I’m enjoying it mostly. Missing the nights out I had on the rigids but I’m doing nights to get my eye in then I’m looking for a tramping job. I’ve been to uni and have a degree, well educated etc but I like this job. I like my own company, can only stand people in short bursts so this job is perfect. Once the trailer is on the dock, it’s not my problem any more. I like not bringing my work home with me.

I like not bringing my work home with me.

That’s rare Radar, most people in this game are thieves! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

A new driver getting a start can be tricky. With some companies the ‘two years experience’ thing is a lie to filter out the newbies,but others it’s genuinely a clause on their insurance. There’s plenty of work for a new driver but youv’e pretty much got to take what you can get. As radar19 says,food delivery seems to be a good way for a new pass to get their foot in the door.
Iv’e only been on class 2 three months but it’s like any job,it’s good and bad. There can be stress,but only if you let it be stress. Heavy traffic,wrong address,stroppy customer cos the office promised it 3 hours ago etc.The days when everything goes right,ie minimal traffic,your’e given the right address,and you drive away from a happy customer,it’s the best job going :smiley:

my 21y.o. son wants to be a truck driver,but as he has a good career doing something else,i’ve advised him to avoid this game.as many drivers are finding out now,one mistake and you can end up doing a stretch in prison,lose your licence,house and family :frowning: you won’t get that if you drop a tin of beans stacking shelves at Asda.

apart from that,the job isn’t too bad :laughing: