Heavy pallet loading tip

When using a pump truck in the back of the trailer to load heavy pallets,it is easier if the rear suspension is raised on the trailer and dump the suspension on the trailer to lower it.
The effort is less as gravity does the work.

Keep it level, you dont want a ton or more running away from you or crushing you, been there done that when handballing butter in the 80’s :laughing:

How have I managed for all these years? Another egg grandma?

When using a pump truck in the back of the trailer to load heavy pallets,it is easier if the rear suspension is raised on the trailer and dump the suspension on the trailer to lower it.
The effort is less as gravity does the work.

If its too heavy to move get someone else to do it :unamused:


When using a pump truck in the back of the trailer to load heavy pallets,it is easier if the rear suspension is raised on the trailer and dump the suspension on the trailer to lower it.
The effort is less as gravity does the work.

If its too heavy to move get someone else to do it :unamused:

Fork Lift Truck- comes to mind. Lol

Truckbling,the post is aimed at newbies for a tip.
Some places use their fork lift to drop pallets at the back of the trailer while the drivers loads the trailer with the pump truck.
If the heavy pallet starts to roll away,then lower the forks on the pump truck to act as a brake to slow or stop it.

One place i worked regularly loaded pallets with over 1000kg. Fork lift not an option on a box.

If you get a choice of where to park try and keep it as level as possible, bit of gravity in your favour if your quick on your feet can help but not too much.

As a last resort take a spare pallet with you so you can split it if cant be moved.

The idiots who load with a ppt never give a thought to the fact it actually has to come of at some point.

Try ■■■■■■■ over a ton pallets of lard or seven feet tall horse pellets.
A printing factory expects drivers to ppt Ibc’s full of nasty stuff.They weigh a lot.
If that lot goes over,Mr Trumpton will not be happy.

As already said carefull using gravity to move pallets its safer to push a pallet than try and stop one running away with you.
Some of our pallets of pop are over a tonne ok they are heavy but rather push it than try and stop it, dropping the pallet if it runs off usually means the pallet splits sending pop everywhere not the safest when on the tail lift specially when tipping in a car park with people walking round the back of the truck.
