Heavy haul gone wrong

Probably posted before, but… Oops


surly he should of selected a low gear and just let it roll down the hill
the stupid banks man running in front didn’t help neither he must think hes superman he can stop a moving truck with his bear hands

I did wonder if the truck at the back was just free wheeling hence only one was engine braking.

But I’m guessing there must be enough power to hold it back going down the slope.

Someone will have a nice bill ££££ lol

did it comply with vosa’s matrix ■■

did it comply with vosa’s matrix ■■

No idea :wink:

the driver at the back is best jumps out im of bugger this lol

the driver at the back is best jumps out im of bugger this lol

Then jumps back in to put the handbrake on :laughing:

I would have accelerated out of it :laughing:

Best get Mammoet in to lift that back up…Oh wait. haha

Why does the guy at the back jump out and then jump back in as if he’s trying to pretend he was there all along ? Then he try’s to reverse haha.

I have been on a heavy haulage company on and off for the last few weeks. Yesterday I had to assist in loading a 45 tonne machine which took 4 hours to load due to the nature of it and unforeseen problems with the actual machine itself (the hydrolic legs it raises itself on were failing) rather than the loading itself. All I kept thinking to myself was that the driver was getting paid £8 per hour to pull that whilst I was getting considerably more for hauling the empty tank which weighed about a tonne ! The hassle is ridiculous !

Shouldn’t laugh…

absolute monkeys! no clue

I did wonder if the truck at the back was just free wheeling hence only one was engine braking.

But I’m guessing there must be enough power to hold it back going down the slope.

the engine braking doesn’t matter at all when you have no traction

He’d have had more if it wasn’t locked up.

it didn’t appear that the trailer was braking at all, which got me wondering, how much air would be needed to operate all those brake chambers.

I would have accelerated out of it :laughing:

Might have been a viable option if they hadn’t retardly allowed a truck to park at the bottom of the hill.

I would have accelerated out of it :laughing:

Yes, should of dipped the clutch, didn’t the trailer have brakes, the truck lost grip on the loose stone but I couldn’t see any trailer wheels locked, id want an independent trailer brake lever in the cab for that size trailer.

watching the vid you will see that the leading trucks back end lifts up losing traction, which to me points to the fact that the guy at the rear Instead of holding back is actualy still pushing and by the time the front moter has lost it matey on the rear has bottled it and jumped, not even attempting any sort of braking even though he probley would not have held it the pusher on that surface would have locked up and dragged to a halt.

watching the vid you will see that the leading trucks back end lifts up losing traction, which to me points to the fact that the guy at the rear Instead of holding back is actualy still pushing and by the time the front moter has lost it matey on the rear has bottled it and jumped, not even attempting any sort of braking even though he probley would not have held it the pusher on that surface would have locked up and dragged to a halt.

Steer into the skid…