At least he’s now got his bus fare… :laughing:

I wonder if it is all there? might have missed a penny or 2.


I am expecting my oustanding pay to arrive like that (If I get it at all)

“PENNIES FROM HEAVEN” come to mind

He could use just one coin for each of the firms windows and still have loads of spare change :laughing:

According to the Royal Mint the following amounts of coins are legal tender in Britain for single transactions: 20p for any amount not exceeding £10; 10p for any amount not exceeding £5; 5p for any amount not exceeding £5; 2p for any amount not exceeding 20p; and 1p for any amount not exceeding 20p

never knew that

I knew the denomination thing.

So in other words, this chap can accept the box of copper as 20pence,. As he never asked for a box of copper he can gracefully accept their gift and then put a claim in for £999.80.

I’m sure he’s on to it as it sounds to have been an acrimonious falling out.