Health - Safety and ignition Keys

Because I think it totally unreasonable for people on the loading docks to take your keys I have now started to ask them to sign one of these…

Key request receipt

While the keys to vehicle number………………….
Are in your possession you are totally responsible for.

  1. Any loss of drivers personal property.
  2. Any damage to the vehicle which had the driver been in possession of the keys could have been avoided.
  3. Any loss of vehicle because it could not be secured by the driver.


Your thoughts guy’s… :question: :question: :question:

Just keep an old key to something else to give them. If they discover it is not the right key then they must have been trying to get into your truck - WHY?

good idea gardun never thought of that

i’m gonna check the kitchen drawers now for old car keys better make sure they dont say citroen or suchlike on them. :laughing:

I don’t imagine they would be prepared to sign that.

Thats a great idea, but i’m not sure how well it will go down in places, you might find yourself banned. I find it really inconvenient sometimes. It is surprising how many vauxhall keys there used to hung up - but most depots are wise to that now.

Of course taking your keys off you is a form of kidnap, but I can also see their point as regards safety because even though you should not move off a bay on a red light, there have been some that have, and they have spoilt it for the majority.

just had a thought (before anyone says it i know its an unusual occurance :laughing: )

If you do give in a spare set of keys DONT forget to collect them BEFORE you pull off the loading bay.

That would defeat the object of handing them in in the first place.

i always pull the ignition key off the ring and just hand in whatever random keys are on the ring, once i was asked after unloading to move the truck down to another bay for a reload, which i did, forgetting about the whole key thing.

nobody even noticed, theyre too wrapped up in their own red tape to have a clue anyway (this is australia btw but it seems like the same setup)

I believe that at some places in Germany they give you a red airline lock which you have to secure then return that key to the office. Means you can stay in the cab, but they are still safe.

Wot smee says isnt un-reasonable BUT i dont see it catching on, as i dont think you will get ANY one to sign it , and as mentioned you will be classed as a trouble maker and your Co wont be welcomed ,and thats wont go do well with the boss!
Now if the boss want this done then its a different market , personaly the only way i ever see this working is IF the insurance companys start insisting on it , lets face it as far as RDCs are concerend we are the bottom of the food chain ! :cry:

I have been driving trucks for 27 years and I have never needed anyone to tell me to make sure that the loaders have finished before moving away from the bay. I know some dozy half wits have but really these idiots should not be allowed out on there own anyway.
This is yet another example of Health and Safety gone completely over the top… :imp: :imp: :imp:

Never been in this situation, but I can imagine the response if refusing to hand over the keys. What are your legal rites, and has anyone refused before?

I have been driving trucks for 27 years and I have never needed anyone to tell me to make sure that the loaders have finished before moving away from the bay. I know some dozy half wits have but really these idiots should not be allowed out on there own anyway.
This is yet another example of Health and Safety gone completely over the top… :imp: :imp: :imp:

Absolutely !!

I hate RDCs (and other place) with a passion, for a variety of reasons including the key thing.

Selfish and arrogant or not, I’ve never pulled off a bay putting anyone in danger. Nor have I vandalised toilets or anything else.

And having just received a love letter memo telling me that due to the recent buy out/sale, my personal possessions are no longer covered under the Company’s insurance, the whole “key” thing will be re-visited with a vengeance.

And that’s without getting into the whole comfort/privacy aspect.

Just as an aside - but related - Where can I get hold of a red line lock type thing, and at what cost ?

Never been in this situation, but I can imagine the response if refusing to hand over the keys. What are your legal rites, and has anyone refused before?

I once refused at Asda (■■) - under the shadow of the Dartford Bridge.

But I was lucky to have an “understanding” Transport Manager at the time but “we” still had to use the ■■■■■■■■ get out clause about the vehicle immobiliser behind connected in with the alarm system.

They made me take off the red line, left me with the keys.

What ever happened to trailer brakes does no one know where they are, good grief… :imp:

Beat me to it Smee, I assume you can put the trailer brake on with red line still connected?

Beat me to it Smee, I assume you can put the trailer brake on with red line still connected?

You can, but it’s not as “intrusive” enough and doesn’t give the jobsworth Health and Blame Nazis the same satisfaction of imposing their will onto you, a lesser being :unamused:


Beat me to it Smee, I assume you can put the trailer brake on with red line still connected?

You can, but it’s not as “intrusive” enough and doesn’t give the jobsworth Health and Blame Nazis the same satisfaction of imposing their will onto you, a lesser being :unamused:

Understood perfectly :sunglasses:

With the trailer brake on the vehicle is not going anywhere until the driver gets back out of the cab to release it, job done… :imp:

I went to Toyata RDC at lutterworth last year ,as you back onto the bay (the type with the big yellow bars on the floor) a wheel lock bar is pushed up off you rear trailer wheel and locks infront of your front trailer wheel .
when the RDC roller door is shut the can then press a release button to let you off.
works a treat and so simple

B & Q in Doncaster make you take off your red airline AND hand in keys

And thats not even backed onto a bay they tip from the side !