Heads up for the TT

Just a quick point-
Practice for the TT starts this Saturday 25th May, so there will be a lot of bikes heading for Liverpool, Heysham, /Isle of Man over the next couple of weeks.

There will be a lot of Nutters & there will be few Not so Confident Newly Qualified Bikers.

Think Bike, Think Biker !

There were lots of bikes on the a55 last week…en route to the nw200,I imagine.
I’ll be amongst them,a week on Friday,but I’ll be heading north from Dumfries…destination,west coast of scotland

There now follows a blatent plug for the “my mate is racing there” party…

A good mate of mine took his first wobble around the Island last year and recorded a 117 mph lap! He’s there again this year and as always with grassroots racers has a very stretched budget. If you check out Michael Niblett on Facebook you’ll find that for a very small donation (£10) he will put the name of you/your spouse/ your child on the side of his bike ( hopefully he’ll be going too quick to see it :smiley: )

Every little helps folks, he’s a great kid with a very promising roads career ahead of him.

the maoster:
There now follows a blatent plug for the “my mate is racing there” party…

A good mate of mine took his first wobble around the Island last year and recorded a 117 mph lap! He’s there again this year and as always with grassroots racers has a very stretched budget. If you check out Michael Niblett on Facebook you’ll find that for a very small donation (£10) he will put the name of you/your spouse/ your child on the side of his bike ( hopefully he’ll be going too quick to see it :smiley: )

Every little helps folks, he’s a great kid with a very promising roads career ahead of him.

Best of luck to him hope he does well and stays safe.
Couldnt get over this year unfortunately but hope everybody has a good time over there and they all come home smilin.Greatest racing on the planet.Think I will be putting a few quid on that mad bugger Guy Martin for the seniors this year.Daft as a brush but what a man.

Guy has had a cracking season so far, and if he can gaffer Scarborough and Cookstown then the Island should be easy, but the Island isnt easy.

I would love Guy to do it but my passion remains with Clive and his team of “Mates who race” :stuck_out_tongue:

I would love to see Guy Martin win the Senior or Superbike but my moneys on John McGuinness aka The Morecambe Missile :smiley:

There’s a TT app, to keep you up to date day to day.

iomtt.com/News/2013/05/22/Is … -live.aspx

Wish I was going- :cry:

Maoster, I found Mike’s facebook page but couldn’t find where to sponsor him, probably a bit late to get a sticker on his bike now, but I’d be happy to donate £50 towards his expenses (probably be enough for the fuel on a 6 lapper :laughing: )

There’s a TT app, to keep you up to date day to day.

iomtt.com/News/2013/05/22/Is … -live.aspx

Wish I was going- :cry:

Maoster, I found Mike’s facebook page but couldn’t find where to sponsor him, probably a bit late to get a sticker on his bike now, but I’d be happy to donate £50 towards his expenses (probably be enough for the fuel on a 6 lapper :laughing: )

It’s the thought that counts Martin. :smiley: . I’m sure that if he manages not to snap himself in half this year by letting ambition outweigh talent :smiley: he’ll be back next year, in which case I’ll post nice and early to aid anyone who’d like to donate.

As an aside I just got back from Monaco, trying to load at 7pm race night with drunken fans trying to pinch anything that wasn’t nailed down, or getting distracted by the Worlds most beautiful girls wearing very little reminded me strongly of packing up Sunday night in the rain at Snetterton whilst trying to get used to my new crutches. NOT! :smiley:

During my work on exhibitions and promotional work my Nephew who had a HGV 1 but drove a council truck would come to any show I was doing with a reasonable distance from his home in Devon just to see my Scania and hospitaity trailer, he would spen almost all weekend with me. One day my employers came to me as I was going to set off to Bexhill on sea for a weekend show and asked if I could get him on the company and do the show with me, I called him, he quit on the spot and drove to my house that evening. Next day we set out, I taught him some tricks of the trade and after 2 more shows he had an identical set up and a hot blonde girl friend :wink:
When the TT races came around they sent him to the Isle of Man for the week, he told me it was the worlds most drab place apart from the bikes.
He boasted to everone he met after that to have done ‘Continental driving’ :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

It means the ■■■■■■■ suicide jockeys are now all over the roads of ■■■■■■■■ got to have eyes up your bloody arse when driving any of the lanes.

The only good they do for us is keeping the organ donar lists topped up.

On ITV4 (228) at 9pm this evening , six sectors fastest split times are joined together to make the fastest ever lap.

Chn 120 if you have HD :wink:

On ITV4 (228) at 9pm this evening , six sectors fastest split times are joined together to make the fastest ever lap.

Chn 120 if you have HD :wink:

It was a fantastic insight into the speeds of yesteryear when Macintyre, Surtees and Hailwood were on 99.97 laps. It shows just how hard it is to get the extra few seconds. we lost David Jefferies ten years ago and he had just done 125mph. JM and others are still looking at breaking 132 this year.

Deepest sympathy to families and friends of Yoshinari Matsushita - Tyco Suzuki Team. RIP

Steve Plater, “5th gear, watch out for my rear wheel slide”

Awesome, and too be honest forgot about Mick Grant, met Joey Dunlop at the Ulster Grand Prix (RIP).

Just wished all of them got a contract ride competing in the GP’s.

Records would have beeen blown apart on some of the circuits.

Watched some of it this morning, got up to the Mick Grant & ‘Yer Man’ era.
I went 3 times in 79,80 & 82 &
was stood near Ballaugh Bridge, when Ron Haslam lost his chain on landing, someone tried to pick it up & got shouted at “Watch it, it’s gonna be Hot” Lol.
Amazing how in the early days they used to repair punctures half way round & took 4 hours to complete 5 laps.
Can’t see John Mcguinness stopping to fix a puncture & still get round in ‘17 & a half’ 'minutes !

Good luck & stay safe to all the riders,marshals & spectators.

Wheel Nut:

On ITV4 (228) at 9pm this evening , six sectors fastest split times are joined together to make the fastest ever lap.

Chn 120 if you have HD :wink:

It was a fantastic insight into the speeds of yesteryear when Macintyre, Surtees and Hailwood were on 99.97 laps. It shows just how hard it is to get the extra few seconds. we lost David Jefferies ten years ago and he had just done 125mph. JM and others are still looking at breaking 132 this year.

Deepest sympathy to families and friends of Yoshinari Matsushita - Tyco Suzuki Team. RIP

Hope he gets to biker “heaven” god rest his soul .My condolenses to his family.

Loving the Dunlop Dynasty on the IOM, can Micheal make it a clean sweep ?

Dunlop has done it again,4 out of 4 :stuck_out_tongue:

isle of man:
Dunlop has done it again,4 out of 4 :stuck_out_tongue:

Brilliant ! Gonna be the new - Yer Man !

Can’t wait to watch it tonight.

AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH! This post is like a hole in a tooth; I just can’t resist having a look.

I’ve Sky plussed the lot and I knew if I kept checking this post I’d spoil it for myself! Hey ho, at least I can bet some money with the other half on the result when we watch it. :smiley:

Bloody Rutter has done it again on that vacuum cleaner motor. 109.675mph :laughing: