He needs to know

■■■■■■■■ needs :exclamation:

An interesting topic, but nothing new. For the record, I drive to about 50 yards from where the cones start and put my left indicator on, whether I’m in a truck or my own motor. I won’t push my way in and will sit there patiently until someone leaves a gap and/or flashes me in and their courtesy is returned with a wave of thanks or a few flashes of the indicators. Job done.

I don’t see the mentality in joining the inside lane queue so far back when the 2nd lane still has 800 yards of use. Those in the inside lane that don’t like it, tough [zb]. Learn how to drive and read the signs.

I used to be of the mentality that i would wait iin the inside lane but not now as Rob says i just follow the outside lane all the way up to the cones and wait for someone to let me in i find it works a lot better.

Me too…“merge in turn” is the officially recommended method, and the one I use. Religiously. :wink: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Woman don’t understand Man

fred Kanka:
Woman don’t understand Man

Blimey fred your brave with that one :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Very true Fred, any more than men understand women. But I haven’t a clue what relevance that has to this thread…? :wink:

Very true Fred, any more than men understand women. But I haven’t a clue what relevance that has to this thread…? :wink:

Absolutly no relevance, but a profoundly accurate statement none the less. :laughing: :smiley: :laughing: :smiley:

:confused: What is it Lucy is saying :confused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Absolutly no relevance, but a profoundly accurate statement none the less. :laughing: :smiley: :laughing: :smiley:


I have been thinking for a while of something that could be good for these roadworks queues and its quite simple , instead of filtering in to one lane which some people seem to think they own.

Why nort filter lane 1 and 2 in to one lane in the middle like this usera.imagecave.com/jammymutt/sp … ic.bmp.jpg

Excuse the picture i am NOT an artist but i,m sure you get the idea of what i mean.

As the saying goes “if your not fast your last” so its straight to the front of the queue for me :sunglasses: :sunglasses:


I don’t think many object to merging in turn, what gets peoples back up is when a vehicle will tear up lane two, right to the end and then veer over into the smallest of gaps, causing the car he goes infront of to slam the brakes on and not only slow down, but stop, which ofcourse has a massive domino effect so even more people fly down lane 2 because lane 1 has come to a halt and the whole thing is a huge mess.

But if the car was’nt tailgating the one in front then there would be enough room to “merge in turn”


But if the car was’nt tailgating the one in front then there would be enough room to “merge in turn”


This is half the problem. The drivers in lane 1 don’t leave enough gap to allow those in lane 2 to filter in seemlesly, and the drivers in lane 2 fly past the queue and cut in the lasy moment.

As for many of the posters on PistonHeads, well I could think of a new name for the site that included the word heads, that would be more suitable for them.

I have been thinking for a while of something that could be good for these roadworks queues and its quite simple , instead of filtering in to one lane which some people seem to think they own.

Why nort filter lane 1 and 2 in to one lane in the middle like this usera.imagecave.com/jammymutt/sp … ic.bmp.jpg

Excuse the picture i am NOT an artist but i,m sure you get the idea of what i mean.

Nice idea Jammy but actually not allowed by the regulations which dictate how roadworks have to be set up. In short you have to close/reduce lanes into a whole lane and then divert the reduced number of lanes. That is why you will often find the off side lane closed first and then the remaining lanes will all sweep away from the near side of the carriageway if that is the location of the works. There is a certain logic as well in closing off the “fastest” lane first.

deleted :unamused:

If you can’t beat them …

One thing that does ■■■■ me off is when the motorway is closed ahead and ■■■■’s start useing the emergency lane to be all sneaky and such like . Sneaky and such like until the point the emergency services can not get through .