HDNL Trunker drivers

NNC Joint Statement — 19th/20th June 2008

The Company and Trade Unions met at the National Negotiating Committee (NNC) on Thursday 19th June 2008 in The Manor House Hotel, Alsager. The purpose of this meeting was to respond to (a) a national grievance on catalogue allocation and round management affecting drivers earnings in the parcel depot operation and (b) discuss shop stewards time off. Further agenda items were (c) the pay claims from all Trade Unions and (d) to discuss new core Terms and Conditions that had been recommended by the Trade Unions and the Company on behalf of the Central Working Group.

a. National Grievance Received 13th June
In response, the Company and Trade Unions agreed on the catalogue allocation process commencing from the mailing in June. Details of this have been sent to all depots. Responding to the grievance on round management /smoothing volumes in rounds on a daily basis, the Company agreed that this would not take place until further discussions have been completed in the Drivers OWG.

b. Shop Stewards Time off
In response, the Company presented a proposal to formalise the time off for shop stewards, which was welcomed by all the Trade Unions. The Trade Unions asked for further details on how the process would work, the Company will advise these details at the next meeting.

c. Pay Claims
The Trade Unions presented their pay claims on behalf of Unite, USDAW & GMB and ACTS & SATA. The Company will respond to the claim at the next meeting.

d. Terms and Conditions
The recommended proposals from the Company and Trade Unions on core Terms and Conditions were presented to the NNC on Thursday 19th June. The Trade Unions met on Friday 20th June to further discuss these proposals.

A date for the next NNC meeting has not been confirmed.

Paul Biddle Julia Long Irene Radigan Mick Hopper
Head of HR, National Officer National Officer National Officer
HDNL Unite Usdaw /Sata GMB

23rd June 2008

Am i missing something here, whats the point of this?

Am i missing something here, whats the point of this?


Rob K:

Am i missing something here, whats the point of this?


You’re as confused as me then. It looks to me like he has cut and pasted some union gumf with no comment about it or to it? Tell me the point if you know it as i’m at a loss? 28 lines and what does it tell ya?


Rob K:

Am i missing something here, whats the point of this?


You’re as confused as me then. It looks to me like he has cut and pasted some union gumf with no comment about it or to it? Tell me the point if you know it as i’m at a loss? 28 lines and what does it tell ya?

dohhhhhhhhhhh it tells ya that someone has learnt how to copy and paste on a computer :open_mouth: :smiley:
im still confused tho

FFS hurry up and come back and tell us all what the purpose of this post is!

:confused: :confused: :unamused:

28 lines and what does it tell ya?

I have no idea…but there’s only 26 lines of !!!


28 lines and what does it tell ya?

I have no idea…but there’s only 26 lines of !!!

You’ve got a big problem, you’ve got more time on your hands than me !!!

It is maybe an intellectual joke in the wierd world of the Manager :smiley:

And another one on drugs…