Hazards in london

As you are aware i tried to stay away from the big stuff by working at my 2 daughters company…as a courier driver…well today i told them id had enough and i was leaving...but i would hang about until they found a replacement driver..well im like that …considerate etc…its only fair though…so i was wondering about drivers who rewgularly work around big city centres…and if they have noticed what i have…like cyclist…who have no regard for the red traffic light…or when your waiting at the front of the queue at a traffic light…why do cyclist…motorcyclist…have to weave in and out…just to reach the front…then cause havoc when you try to pull away …and theyre blocking your path…why do they get in the outside lane in the first place…i feel like driving into them…next problem…why do high streets…have a reluctance to number their premises…why dont the CBI…or the chamber of commerce insist that all high st stores have numbers…its so infuriating…especially in a place like central london where the road width is reduced in most cases by all day bus lanes…red routes…and always a stream of traffic behind you…and you are trying to find a number…its not only the high streets though…but business premises in general…i normally greet the staff with…did your boss run out of money when he opened this place…Huh…he forgot to put numbers outside…and aint we always the first to have ever complained…well thats what they tell me…same as the signs eh !..how some companies forget to sign their own premises…and we are always the first to complain…no one else ever does…poor ol truck drivers…

Not a happy bunny tonight then. :laughing:

Street numbers are often covered by By-laws. Many towns and cities have regulations defining the minimum size for numbers of houses/premises. Originally, it was designed to assist the Fire Service in quickly locating premises. (and before anyone else quips - “It’s the one glowing red” :laughing: )

Personally, if I had their number, I’d be inclined to phone them up and ask for a member of staff to be designated, and described, to be standing outside at you next run through. After that, if they want the goods, THEY have to meet you at a local car park.

You can always rely on an A to Z to give you a clue about building numbers, unless you are looking for a new building down Camden High Street and a one way system :blush:

I think I heard the phone ringing Bob, its Astran for you :smiley:

Generally the numbers start from the town centre at no1 and work away from the centre of town NOT ALWAYS but most of the time.

I think people who live in villages and name their houses should also be made to leave a number beside the name i used to work for Carryfast ( are they still going.?) and had a hard time finding places sometimes.

Generally the numbers start from the town centre at no1 and work away from the centre of town NOT ALWAYS but most of the time.

And usually, but not always, with the even numbers on the right.

I think people who live in villages and name their houses should also be made to leave a number beside the name i used to work for Carryfast ( are they still going.?) and had a hard time finding places sometimes.

My address is just the postcode and the village name preceded by an area not a street. This area contains 12 dwellings and probably dates back to a landowner’s name in the middle ages. But in most villages you can easily find a person by mentioning the name to anyone.
A recent delivery driver asked for me at my old boss’s place in the neighbouring village and was led to my door by one of the drivers in his car. :slight_smile:

Salut, David.

krankee…im always a happy bunny....but as i said..the lack of numbers on premises is a serious issue...for example..if you had a delivery for boots...woolworths...currys…dixons etc…then its not quite a problem…as the name is always up there…but in central london and the city. quite often the offices are on top of the shops…or there maybe 2 or 3 floors of different companies…but the problems as i said is looking for joe bloggs ltd at 87 high st…so as you crawl down the high st…with other traffic behind you…they start to get irritated as you start to look for numbers that are not there…my argument was…`why do shops or premises never display their numbers…as was said earlier…it is a law…and one that is broken time and time again…i believe all of the emergency services have a buildings map…which show every number and name of the premises,i would sugest that when out shopping down your local high st…have a look to see how many premises are actually numbered…it will amaze you…

The number thing always has and always be non existant so why not just phone said company and ask them where abouts on the street they are and even to meet you down on the pavement (admitedly this is a long shot) if they cant give you adequate discrption of where they are ask them how the [zb] they get to work then :unamused: :unamused: Then leave them youre contact number so they can contact you with directions


carryfast = ups

it all boils down to correct delivery information :laughing:
of which we know is beyond the wit of any one to supply