Can anybody offer any information about working for Hayton Coulthard as i notice there looking for lgv drivers?
The only thing I know about that firm is, it’s David Coulthard (F1 driver looks like a boxer) dad who runs it and they have nice, decent looking kit.
Sorry I don’t know the important stuff, but if I lived near them, I’d certainly go for an interview and ask the right questions
Thanks for that, cant hurt to apply and ask the questions.
Gregory’s bought them out awhile back.
Weren’t they prosecuted for running bent many times?
13 years ago, I’d imagine a lot of other firms were running bent then, I’d say they have their house in order now.
There have been lots of changes in the industry. I do appreciate the feed back tho. Do they have many drivers tramping?
There have been lots of changes in the industry. I do appreciate the feed back tho. Do they have many drivers tramping?
Most would be trampers. Owned by Greg’s so all above board & Bristol fashion.
Be carful son is it not like a lot of them now.
Fancy kit and paid in smarties
Or bling.
They deliver winners. Apparently
Perhaps it would not be a good move then! Like most of us I go to work to pay my bills if there are nice vehicles big bonus but im not paying for them!
Perhaps it would not be a good move then! Like most of us I go to work to pay my bills if there are nice vehicles big bonus but im not paying for them!
cant hurt too phone em up and ask n if you do get an interview and hear what the wages are then you can decide whether it for you or not
Perhaps it would not be a good move then! Like most of us I go to work to pay my bills if there are nice vehicles big bonus but im not paying for them!
Bottom line Ollieted is that only you can decide what any company are like to work for?
Would I take notice of what other people have said on an internet forum? Absolutely I would, but I would use that hearsay (and that’s all it is tbh) and bear it in mind as I approached the company and made my own mind up. After all, it’s you who may work there, not the rest of the responders.