
■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ … y-stephen/

Least it’s got one of those bridge protector thingys.

Why haven’t all low bridges got these?

Yet another bridge strike.

The final straw.

Yet another bridge strike.

The final straw.

Neigh lad, there’ll be plenty mare…

Hay what’s wrong with you you’re looking kinda wedged to me

I am not very clued up on farming matters TB.

Not really my field…

Somebody was foraging for a story, then drew the short straw.

The driver was interviewed by the police, but he got bale. :grimacing:

Hay! How ya doing, I’m sorry you couldn’t get through…

no need for a wrecker.light a match and wait a few mins… :slight_smile:

no need for a wrecker.light a match and wait a few mins… :slight_smile:

:laughing: and cheaper than the wrecker too//

Looks as though the driver baled out halfway through…

Top marks for strapping though, nothings fallen off :smiley:

No point crying over spilt milk…

Didn’t hit the bridge hard though, to be fair.

In fact he barley touched it…

Anyone seen my coat? :frowning:

Didn’t hit the bridge hard though, to be fair.

In fact he barley touched it…

Anyone seen my coat? :frowning:

I barley laughed at that :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Another bridge strike.

Another bridge strike.

Bringing the limit in the UK down to a more sensible 4M and the problem would be near enough eradicated overnight…

Sometimes the attempts at humour on here really are cringe worthy!!

tango boy:
Hay what’s wrong with you you’re looking kinda wedged to me

Cos that aint getting under.
Listen to what I hay.
Got to turn around.


Another bridge strike.

Bringing the limit in the UK down to a more sensible 4M and the problem would be near enough eradicated overnight…

Not many car transporters run under 4m though